ImageJ 3D Viewer

Author: Benjamin Schmid (Bene.Schmid at
History: 2007/04/20: First public version
Requires: Java 1.5 or later and Java 3D
Source:Contained in ImageJ_3D_Viewer.jar
Installation: Download ImageJ_3D_Viewer.jar from the 3D Viewer website into the plugins folder, restart ImageJ, and there will be a new "ImageJ 3D Viewer" command in the Plugins menu.
Description: The 3D Viewer provides hardware-accelerated 3D visualization of image stacks as volumes, surfaces and orthoslices. There is more information on the 3D Viewer website.

The 3D Viewer requires Java 3D, which is preinstalled on Mac OS X. On Windows and Linux, download the appropriate ZIP binary from the Java 3D Downloads sites and copy the DLLs in the bin directory to ImageJ/jre/bin and the JAR files in the lib/ext directory to ImageJ/jre/lib/ext. Or use the Install Java 3D plugin, which will do this for you. On Windows, the name of the ZIP file that needs to be downloaded is "".

This movie of the 3d-example-stack.tif stack on the 3D Viewer website was created using the 3D Viewer's View>Start animation and View>Start animation commands. It was cropped using Image>Crop and the number of frames was reduced from 71 to 36 using the Slice Remover plugin. The frame rate was set to 7 FPS using Image>Stacks>Animation Options. It was then reduced to 256 colors using Image>Type>8-bit and saved as an animated GIF using File>Save As>Animated GIF.

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