National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke – Division of Intramural Research
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  • Rao RC, Boyd J, Padmanabhan R, Chenoweth JG, McKay RD (2008) Efficient Serum-Free Derivation of Oligodendrocyte Precursors from Neural Stem Cell-Enriched Cultures, Stem Cells .
  • Kittappa R, Chang WW, Awatramani RB, McKay RD (2007) The foxa2 gene controls the birth and spontaneous degeneration of dopamine neurons in old age, PLoS Biol 5(12), e325.
  • Tesar PJ, Chenoweth JG, Brook FA, Davies TJ, Evans EP, Mack DL, Gardner RL, McKay RD (2007) New cell lines from mouse epiblast share defining features with human embryonic stem cells, Nature 448(7150), 196-9.
  • Androutsellis-Theotokis A, Leker RR, Soldner F, Hoeppner DJ, Ravin R, Poser SW, Rueger MA, Bae SK, Kittappa R, McKay RD (2006) Notch signalling regulates stem cell numbers in vitro and in vivo, Nature 442(7104), 823-6.
  • Leker RR, Soldner F, Velasco I, Gavin DK, Androutsellis-Theotokis A, McKay RD (2006) Long-lasting regeneration after ischemia in the cerebral cortex, Stroke 38(1), 153-61.
  • Murase S, McKay RD (2006) A specific survival response in dopamine neurons at most risk in Parkinson's disease, J Neurosci 26(38), 9750-60.
  • Tsai RY, McKay RD (2005) A multistep, GTP-driven mechanism controlling the dynamic cycling of nucleostemin, J Cell Biol 168(2), 179-84.
  • Cameron HA, McKay RDG (2001) Adult Neurogenesis Produces a Large Pool of New Granule Cells in the Dentate Gyrus, J Comp Neurol 435, 406-417.
  • Lumelsky N, Blondel O, Laeng P, Velasco I, Ravin R, McKay RDG (2001) Differentiation of Embroyonic Stem Cells to Insulin-secreting Structures Similar to Pancreatic Islets, Science 292, 1389-1394.
  • Vicario-Abejon C, Collin C, McKay RDG. (2000) Hippocampal stem cells differentiate into excitatory and inhibitory neurons., Eur J Neurosci. 12, 677-88.
  • Lee S-H, Lumelsky N, Studer L, Auerbach J, McKay RDG (2000) Efficient generation of midbrain and hindbrain neurons from embryonic stem cells., Nat. Biotech. 18, 675-679.
  • Brustle O, Jones K, Learish R, Karram K, Choudhary K, Wiestler OD, Duncan ID, McKay RDG.. (1999) Embryonic stem cell-derived glial precursors: a source of myelinating transplants., Science 285, 754-6.
  • Studer L, Tabar V, McKay RDG. (1998) Transplantation of expanded mesencephalic precursors leads to behavioral recovery in Hemiparkinsonian rats., Nature Neurosci. 1, 290-95. Full Text/Abstract
  • Vicario-Abejon C, Collin C, McKay RDG, Segal M. (1998) Neurotrophins induce formation of functional excitatory and inhibitory synapses between cultured hippocampal neurons., J Neurosci. 18, 7256-71.