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CRN NewsLetter
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 Volume IV, Issue 3 November 2003 


We're pleased to announce...

The DETECT team presented its findings at the International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services in September.

Three new members have joined our Academic Liaison Committee:

  • John Ayanian, Harvard
  • Otis Brawley, Emory
  • Gerry Riley, CMS

We received nine new pilot fund proposals, covering diverse research areas.

We were pleased to receive nine proposals in response to our call for pilot fund projects.

The PROTECTS team's publication of their article on the implementation of a computerized system for chart abstraction (Cancer Causes & Ctrl 2003: 14L469-476). The article is a good resource for teams writing proposals or implementing multi-site studies that involve medical record abstraction. Ann Geiger at KPSC and Roy Pardee at GHC are available to consult to provide scientific and technical consultation, respectively.

Cancer Research Network - The Cancer Research Network (CRN) is a collaboration of 11 non-profit HMOs committed to the conduct of high-quality, public domain research in cancer control. The CRN is a project of NCI and AHRQ.

News from NCI
30th Anniversary of SEER Program

On October 16th, NCI celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the SEER Program. Information
about the anniversary conference can be found at: At this
site you will find information about the 30th Anniversary Program and Symposium, an
electronic version of a pamphlet describing SEER Landmark Studies, and a search engine for
all SEER publications. The scientific session for the 30th Anniversary Symposium focused on
the role of cancer registries in health services research. The session was chaired by Martin
Brown, with presentations by Colin Begg from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and
John Ayanian from Harvard.

- Martin Brown, NCI

Ed's Corner of the World
News from the CRN PI Ed

We were pleased to receive nine proposals in response to our call for pilot fund projects. Each proposal will be reviewed by three reviewers from a combination of the CRN community and our Academic Liaison Committee. As hoped, the proposals involve some new research areas and new investigators. The Steering Committee will make final funding decisions at our December meeting in Bethesda.

Several of you have suggested that we do not have enough opportunity to talk about science on the CRN, either the scientific issues involved in our projects, or new developments in cancer research and care. I agree with this observation, but I am not sure how widely this need is felt. To this end, we will add a few questions to our annual evaluation, which will assess interest and ideas for promoting dissemination and discussion of emerging and important topics in cancer research and care. The evaluation will take place in January 2004. We will look forward to your candid input.

Ed Signature

In This Issue...

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