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Pyramid Servings Database for NHANES III:


Pyramid Servings Database for NHANES III

NCI has developed a database to facilitate the examination of dietary data from the National Center for Health Statistics' Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988-94) in terms of servings from each of The Food Guide Pyramid's major and minor food groups. This database builds on a similar one, previously developed by the USDA Food Surveys Research Group for their 1994-96 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII). That database provides the number of servings from each food group per 100 gm of each food reported in the CSFII. The foods reported in the NHANES III were initially coded using USDA food codes to provide a direct match to the CSFII database. Those foods reported in NHANES III which were not included in the CSFII Pyramid Servings Database (PSDB) were either linked to similar foods already appearing in the CSFII PSDB or ascribed values when suitable matches could not be found.

Last modified:
03 Mar 2008
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