Native C.I.R.C.L.E.

American Indian/Alaska Native Cancer Information Resource Center and Learning Exchange (C.I.R.C.L.E.) has been in operation as a national clearinghouse for cancer education materials specific to American Indian and Alaska Native communities for lay and professional use since September 1998. Now entering its fourth year of operation, the center has evolved to become the educational arm for the American Indian/Alaska Native Leadership Initiative on Cancer, which was funded as a U01.

Supplemental funding from the Surveillance Research Program has enabled the clearinghouse to hire the full-time coordinator needed to keep up with demand for materials and service to the Web site. For example, the first year of Web site operation brought 151 Web site "hits," but in the past year, they exceeded 3,000 and continue to grow.

The reputation of the resource center extends nationally. Information requested from the center has led to distribution of over 20,000 pieces of literature and videos in the last year, including materials to over 75 conferences. In addition, the center has the most up-to-date bibliography on cancer affecting American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Last modified:
07 Jul 2006
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