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What Financial Support is Available to Graduate Students at the NIH?

Financial Support
Graduate students coming to the NIH for Ph.D. dissertation research fall into one of two categories:  Prospective Ph.D. Graduate Students enter through NIH-University Formal Partnership Programs and Current Ph.D. Graduate Students enter through the development of an Individual Agreement with an NIH Investigator.

Funding for Prospective Graduate Students
Graduate students who have applied to and are now enrolled in NIH-University partnership programs receive an NIH Intramural Research Training Award for stipend, health benefits, and tuition support as needed.  This award is renewable up to five years based on the student’s progress toward degree.  The Fall 2005 stipend level is $24,000.00.  Stipend levels increase yearly.

Funding for Current Ph.D. Graduate Students
Current Ph.D. graduate students typically come to the NIH during their second or third year of graduate training.  Financial support for stipend, health benefits, and/or tuition, may come from either the graduate university, the NIH Investigator from which the dissertation research is being performed, or a combination.  Foreign students are not eligible for tuition support.