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Are All Graduate Students at NIH in a University Partnership Program?

Graduate students from dozens of universities across the United States and globally come to the NIH to perform part or all of their dissertation research within the NIH Intramural Research Laboratories.  Navigate through the APPLICANTS section for descriptions of the pathway that best matches your educational training: prospective PhD student or current PhD student.

Prospective Ph.D. Graduate Students - Individuals wishing to pursue a Ph.D. in the biomedical sciences should review the list of formal NIH-University partnership programs available. Eligibility for these formal programs is limited to United States Citizens and Permanent Residents.

Current Ph.D. Graduate Students - Individuals already enrolled in a Ph.D. program wishing to perform part or all of their dissertation research at the NIH may develop an Individual Agreement with an NIH Investigator and their graduate university. Individual Agreements are open to United States Citizens, Permanent Residents, and Foreign Nationals enrolled in a Ph.D. or equivalent program.