Child Care Center |
Provided by Parents of Preschoolers, Inc. (POPI)
CFC# 60237
The Parents of Preschoolers, Inc. corporation is comprised of parents of children
enrolled in the school. Parents make up the Board of Directors and staff and parents
serve on corporate committees.
General Information |
Ages Served: |
6 weeks - 6 yrs |
Licensed Capacity: |
150 Children |
Location: |
NIH Campus |
Hours of Operation: |
7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
(Monday - Friday)
Closed all Federal Government holidays
and 3 professional days |
Tuition: |
$677.00 every 2 weeks for children up to 2 yrs.
$543.00 every 2 weeks for children 2 - 3 yrs.
$312.00 - $416.00 every 2 weeks for children in Preschool.
$448.00 every 2 weeks for children in Kindergarten.
Deposit: |
A 2-week deposit is required upon acceptance of enrollment.
Accreditation: |
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
License: |
State of Maryland Department of Education, Office of Child Care
Approved by the Maryland State Board of Education as a nonpublic program: nursery school and kindergarten. |
Facility Size: |
21,000 sq. ft. |
Playground Area: |
18,000 sq. ft. |
About POPI |
The NIH Campus East Child Care Center is operated by Parents
of Preschoolers, Inc., a non-profit corporation, and was located
in Building 35 on the NIH campus since June of 1973.
The center was established through the efforts of parents and
other community employees working together to offer high quality
care to children of NIH employees. The program began
with 18 children and expanded over the years to 65 children.
On September 4, 2001, POPI relocated into the new East
Child Care Center and now provides child care services for
150 children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. In addition, POPI offers an all-day Kindergarten
program. POPI is committed to providing the highest quality
child care to the NIH community at an affordable cost.
As educators of the young, we endeavor to prepare children to live harmoniously with others
by helping them develop to their full potential. We believe that a child can best learn to
love by being loved.
Our child-oriented, experiential program promotes freedom for hands-on manipulation of the
environment which fosters observation, inquiry, thoughtfulness and learning.
Our program is inter-aged and culturally diverse. We teach children to be considerate of others in a group. Inter-age grouping offers the
older children an opportunity to develop an understanding of their younger classmates and
provides a forum for them to role model their abilities. Children aspire to be "bigger",
hence, the younger children demonstrates their own independence within an environment
designed for their success.
Our program encourages creativity. This creativity is nurtured through a variety of
activities. We generate our ideas from the children, their families, and the teachers.
We believe it is the process which is interesting to the child. Our activities are
planned to give the children control over their environment. This control promotes
independence. Independence is the foundation for self-esteem. Self-esteem is the foundation
for observation, inquiry, thoughtfulness and learning.