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NIH Delegations of Authority

These policies are in the process of being updated. Please contact the program area Administrative Officer responsible for a particular policy to receive the latest guidance.

What is a Delegation of Authority?

A delegation of authority is the formal assignment or commitment of legal power, usually to a subordinate official, to make certain decisions and take certain actions that have legal significance.

All current NIH Delegations, found within NIH Manual 1130, are accessible via the NIH Manual Chapter website.

How do you revise a Delegation of Authority?

You should follow the official NIH delegation of authority format when revising a delegation of authority. Please see the following weblink:

For information on Delegations of Authority, please contact:
Kai Kamerow, Senior Management Analyst (301) 496-8532


Office of Research ServicesOffice of Research FacilitiesNational Institutes of HealthDepartment of Health and Human Services