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Office of Human Resources


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Training for the new Performance Management Appraisal Program at NIH

NIH VideoCasts

Additional Training

HHS Performance Management Appraisal Program: Preparing for Final Evaluations

In November 2005, the Office of Human Resources, Workforce Relations Division conducted a presentation on preparing fair and effective performance evaluations under new PMAP. The presentation emphasized the importance of making meaningful performance distinctions, addressing poor performance, using performance appraisals as constructively as possible, and pitfalls to avoid when appraising an employee. This presentation can be customized as appropriate.

Please choose the appropriate 'Preparing for Final Evaluations' document

508 Rich Text Format version
Editable/printer friendly PowerPoint version
Viewable Small Web Format (.swf) version

NIH Seminar - Managing Stress

Recently the NIH Employee Assistance Program and the Office of Human Resources, Workforce Relations Division presented a “brown bag” seminar series on managing stress at work. The seminars were designed exclusively for NIH supervisors/managers and employees.

Below are links to the videocasts from two of the sessions.

NIH Employees - videocast from May 25, 2006
NIH Supervisors - videocast from June 7th, 2006

If you need assistance viewing the videocasts, please see the NIH Videocasting FAQs.

Train the Trainer - Training for Performance Liaisons on the PMAP

In May and June 2006, the NIH Office of Human Resources collaborated with the NIH Clinical Center to develop training on drafting PMAP critical elements and outcomes. These following materials may be customized by Performance Liaisons, supervisors, or other facilitators for training within ICs.

Tab A

PowerPoint Slides on Developing Performance Plans for Performance Liaisons (.pdf)

Tab B
2006 HHS Performance Management Appraisal Program (PMAP) Issuance (.doc)
Tab C
Budget Officer Sample Plan (.pdf) & Position Description (.pdf)
Tab D
Developing Outcomes for Performance Plans
Tab E
3 Slides from Developing Performance Plans for Performance Liaisons (.pdf)
Tab F
Blank Appraisal Form (.doc)
Att. 1
Handout for Exercise 1 (.pdf)