Report Fraud
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Reporting Fraud
All HHS and contractor employees have a responsibility to assist in combating fraud, waste and abuse in all departmental programs. As such you are encouraged to report matters involving fraud, waste and mismanagement in any departmental program(s) to OIG. To assist you, OIG maintains a hotline which offers a confidential means for reporting vital information.
- Information is for official use only (For information on confidentiality please contact the hotline and ask about our confidentiality source program).
- Each caller is encouraged to assist the OIG by providing information on how they can be contacted for additional information but caller may remain anonymous.
To the best of your ability, please provide the following information when contacting the Hotline:
Type of complaint:
- Medicare Part-A
- Medicare Part-B
- Child Support Enforcement
- National Institute Of Health
- Indian Health Service
- Food And Drug Administration
- Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
- Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration
- Health Resources And Services Administration
- Aid To Children And Families
- All Other HHS Agencies Or Related Programs
HHS department or program being affected by your allegation of fraud waste or abuse/mismanagement:
- Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
- Child Support Enforcement (CSE)
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Office of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Indian Health Service (IHS)
- Office of Inspector General (OIG)
- Office of the Secretary (OS)
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMSHA)
- Administration on Aging (AOA)
- Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
- Other (please specify)
Please provide the following, if you would like your referral to be submitted anonymously please indicate in your correspondence or phone call:
- Your Name
- Your Street Address
- Your City/County
- Your State
- Your Zip Code
- Your email Address
Subject/Person/Business/Department that allegation is against:
- Name of Subject
- Title of Subject (if applicable)
- Subject's Street Address
- Subject's City/County
- Subject's State
- Subject's Zip Code
Please provide a brief summary relating to your allegation.