The NIH Executive Secretariat (ES) is responsible for coordinating
the weekly submission of NIHs upcoming significant events
for the Secretarys Forecast. The Forecast is an ongoing,
prospective report that is used to inform the Secretary and
members of his senior staff of events that are scheduled to
occur throughout DHHS within the upcoming 12-week period or
beyond. The categories of information the report covers are
as follows:
Congressional (this category
is used by staff in the NIH Office of Legislative
Policy and Analysis (OLPA))
Budget/Funding (this category
is used by staff in the NIH Office of Budget)
Grants (this category
is used by staff in the NIH Office of Extramural
Early Research Alerts
The activities reported in the Forecast database
must also meet one or more of the following criteria:
Respond to a Presidential
Respond to a Secretarial
Are likely to generate
interest from Members of Congress;
Are likely to generate
interest from major media outlets or wire services;
Are likely to generate
interest from major industries, advocacy groups,
trade or other prominent associations;
Are likely to generate
interest from State or Local governments;
Involve a major scientific
development or breakthrough; or
Involve major budgetary
How do NIH ICs and OD Offices submit information
to the Forecast?
NIH Information Officers and staff within the OD Office
of Communications and Public Liaison, the OLPA, and other NIH
components submit information on prospective NIH-sponsored
events and activities to ES staff each week via e-mail. All
of the NIH information is approved by the NIH Deputy Director
before it is officially submitted to HHS.
Is the Forecast database accessible to all NIH
The Forecast report database is password protected and is
accessible to ES staff. The entire report is printed periodically
in its final, edited form and distributed to NIH ICs and OD
Offices for their information and use.