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Planning and Space Management Developing and enforcing national and international standards that ensure high quality facilities

Building 10 Policies

Summary of Building 10 Vacant Space Policy

To decrease the aggregate load on existing utilities in Building 10, where the infrastructure has passed its useful life, by not moving into vacated space.

APPLICATION: The policy became effective on May 9, 2003. Requests to occupy vacated space (even by the same IC) will be considered on a case-by-case basis through the SJD process. Questions on vacancies and re-occupancies should be addressed to the Division of Facilities Planning in Research Facilities.


  • All space that is vacated by the occupancy of the Clinical Research Center will revert to the NIH Director’s Reserve. Until decisions about the renovation and/or stabilization of Building 10 are made, previously defined planned re-occupancies will not occur, and vacated space will be locked.
  • Spaces scheduled to be vacated by the CRC occupancy and other moves must be turned over to the NIH Director’s Reserve as scheduled; other programs may remain unless otherwise notified by the NIH Space Recommendation Board (SRB).
  • Additional moves to completely empty partially-vacated suites and re-occupy ACRF space may occur. Space vacated in this manner will return to Director’s Reserve. Affected ICs will be contacted.

Building 10 Vacant Space Policy May 9, 2003  

Summary of Building 10 Renovations Restriction Policy

PURPOSE: To ensure, in conjunction with the Vacant Space Policy, that no additional load is placed on the utility infrastructure of Building 10 in order to allow the aged infrastructure to continue serving existing programs until a full renovation is performed.

APPLICATION: The policy became effective on October 16, 2003 and sets forth criteria under which projects in Building 10 may proceed.

POLICY: Extensive engineering analyses of the Building 10 utility infrastructure show there is not enough capacity to support existing programs at minimal industry and NIH standards. In order to allow the building to serve campus needs until it can be renovated, vacated space will be left vacant (see Vacant Space Policy) and projects within existing space must not impose any additional utility load.

Therefore, the only proposed projects that may proceed are those that meet the following criteria:

  • The project does not include space that is designated to be vacated and deactivated when the CRC is occupied, even if the space is currently assigned to the requesting IC. Exceptions can only be granted through the Space Justification Process.
  • The project does not increase demands on existing utility infrastructure.
  • The project makes appropriate use of funding sources.

Building 10 Renovations Restriction Policy October 16, 2004 

This page last updated on Nov 06, 2007