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Year: 2001Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Methods for Exploring the Semantics of the Relationships Between Co-Occurring UMLS Concepts
Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Medinfo. 2001 ;10(Pt 1):171-5.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the relationships among UMLS concepts that co-occur as MeSH descriptors in MEDLINE citations (1990-1999). DESIGN: 18,485 UMLS concepts involved in 7,928,608 directed pairs of co-occurring concepts were studied. For each directed pair of concepts C1-C2: (i) the "family" of C1 was built, using the UMLS Metathesaurus, and we tested whether or not C2 belonged to C1's family; (ii) we used the semantic categorization of Metathesaurus concepts through the UMLS Semantic Network and Semantic Groups to represent the semantics of the relationships between C1 and C2. RESULTS: In 6.5% of the directed pairs, the co-occurring concept C2 was found within the "family" of C1. Detailed results are given. The most frequent co-occurrences involved "Chemicals and Drugs" and "Chemicals and Drugs", as well as "Disorders" and "Chemicals and Drugs". DISCUSSION: This work takes advantage of both symbolic and statistical information represented in the UMLS, and analyzes their overlap. Further research is suggested.