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Year: 2000Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Modelling Syllepse in Medical Knowledge Bases with Application in the Domain of Organ Failure and Transplantation
Jacquelinet C, Bodenreider O, Burgun A
Proc. of OntoLex; Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases 2000.
The Etablissement français des Greffes (EfG) is a public health agency in charge of organs, tissues and cells transplantation in France. Among EfG's missions is the evaluation of the organ retrieval and transplantation activities, which relies on a national information system (IS). In order to facilitate data recording, to improve information quality and homogeneity, to allow data interchange and semantic interoperability with hospital information systems and other registries, a specific work as been initiated dealing with ontological foundations of medical terminology in the domain of organ failure and transplantation. The aim of this paper is to describe how the syllepse appeared to us as a key figure that accounts for medical knowledge acquisition.