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Year: 2005Adobe Acrobat Reader
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Genetics Home Reference; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Mitchell JA, Logan RA, Calvo S, Cheh M, Fomous C, Fun J, Morrison S, Mucci D, Wolf P
Genetics Home Reference (GHR) is a credible, comprehensive, and dynamic web site that uses lay language to explain the effects of genetic variation on human health. The site's design allows users to navigate the complex interrelationships among conditions, genes, and chromosomes. In addition, the site provides multiple resources for a broad range of users with varied educational backgrounds. As GHR continues to improve and expand, it will explore more challenging research problems. Continued development of the site will guide the use of informatics techniques and drive new research to assist in selecting new topics, developing content, ensuring accuracy and currency, and helping consumers navigate the complex world of genetics.