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Smokefree Meeting Policy

NCI recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is an important preventable cause of death from cancer and other illnesses and that many Americans, both adults and children, remain at significant risk from ETS exposure. To reduce cancer and other serious health hazards caused by ETS exposure, all meetings and conferences organized and/or sponsored by NCI shall be held in a town, city, county, or state that is smoke free, unless specific circumstances justify an exception from this policy. To facilitate straightforward smoke-free meeting planning, the NCI Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences has developed the Smoke-free Venue Locator Tool. This interactive resource assists NCI staff in finding smoke-free venues based on up-to-date smoking policy information for states and local jurisdictions within states.

Web Site:
NCI Smokefree Meeting Policy

Mary O'Connell, Tobacco Control Research Branch;

This page last updated 2007-07-23 12:18:37