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HazMap: Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Agents
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Major JobTask Category
Applying Glues or Sealants
Applying Pesticides
Applying Surface Coatings
Beauty Culture
Cleaning or Disinfecting
Contact with Humans or Animals
Dyeing or Tanning
Food Processing
Handling Animals
Handling Chemicals
Handling Insects
Handling Plants
Heating or Machining Metal
Heating or Machining Plastics/Rubber
Installing or Removing Insulation
Medical or Dental Services
Mining or Quarrying
Printing or Photography
Processing Materials
Processing Moldy Organic Materials
Removing Coatings
Smelting and Casting Metal
Smelting or Casting Metal
Spill or Confined Space Accident
Working Indoors
Working Outdoors

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National Institutes of Health
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Last updated: September, 2008