NIEHS Child Care Center (North Carolina)
Provided by First Environments Early Learning
In 1986 First Environments Early Learning Center opened
as the first onsite employer-sponsored child care facility
in the Research Triangle Park, NC. The Center, located
on the North Campus of NIEHS and Alexander Drive, provides
full-time care for children of NIEHS and EPA employees.
First Environment is a parents’ co-operative, operated
by the First Environments Parent's Organization, and governed
by its Board of Directors. Membership in the Parents' Organization
is a prerequisite to enrolling a child in the center. Consistent
with the co-op philosophy, First Environments depends on
the participation of its parent-members to provide services
for the center. Admission is on a space-available basis
without regard to race, creed, color or national origin
to children (6 weeks to 5 yrs.) of NIEHS and EPA employees.