Medical Care Supplement:
Improving Delivery of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care Practice
New studies examining ways to improve the delivery of colorectal cancer screening in
primary care are reported in the September 2008 supplement to Medical Care. The research
featured in this supplement, Improving Delivery of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary
Care Practice, was funded over the past five years by the Federal Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and addresses methods
of increasing the rates at which Americans aged 50 and older are being screened for
colorectal cancer. Major research topics addressed include:
- Understanding how patients decide to undergo colorectal cancer screening;
- Evaluating innovative strategies for improving the uptake of colorectal cancer screening in diverse practice settings;
- Developing methods to increase rates of screening among special populations; and
- Understanding the implications of newly developed colorectal cancer screening technologies.
Requests for one free copy of the supplement may be made to the AHRQ Publications
Clearinghouse. Please order by specifying AHRQ publication number OM 08-0111: Medical
Care supplement on Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Primary Care. If more than one copy
is needed, please describe the reason in your request.
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