Position for Statistician in Population Genetics

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is searching for a statistician with expertise in population genetics. The position is in the Statistical Research and Applications Branch (SRAB) of the Surveillance Research Program (SRP), Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. SRP manages the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, a comprehensive population-based cancer reporting system. The utility of this database is extended through linkages with other key datasets and special studies to collect auxiliary information (e.g., tissue samples). SRP also provides leadership in developing statistical methodologies appropriate for analyzing trends and for evaluating the impact of cancer control interventions as well as geographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, genetic, and health care delivery factors on the cancer burden. SRP is in process of expanding its program in the area of statistical genetics to include topics such as genome-wide association studies, and the examination of gene-environment interaction. The position will provide opportunities for:

  • Independent and collaborative methodologic research
  • Oversight and administration of extramural funding involving cutting-edge statistical genetics to address methodologic questions in cancer epidemiology
  • Interaction with a wide range of NIH consortia focusing on genetics and cancer, thus providing the basis for transdisciplinary collaborative research
  • Developing a program of scientific research relating the rich resource of population-based cancer registries to genetic-based epidemiologic studies and basic statistical research

The ideal candidate will have a doctoral degree in biostatistics or statistics, 3-10 years of post-doctoral experience with a good publication record in developing methods in population genetics, and an interest in working in collaborative research teams.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential. Salary range is commensurate with experience, and benefits are excellent. The location is Rockville, Maryland, close to Washington, DC. All applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. NIH is an equal opportunity employer.

Please send a cover letter, CV, brief summary of experience and interests, copies of selected publications, and three letters of reference to:

Dr. Eric J. (Rocky) Feuer
Statistical Research and Applications Branch
Surveillance Research Program
National Cancer Institute
6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 504
Bethesda, MD 20892
E-mail: rf41u@nih.gov

Last modified:
06 Aug 2008
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