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Q: Who at NIH is involved in implementing the A-76 Process and conducting the actual reviews?

There are thousands of people involved in the competitive sourcing (A-76) program at NIH. Some of the key groups include the following: (1) The Commercial Activities Steering Committee is chaired by the NIH Deputy Director for Management and includes several IC Executive Officers as well as key management officials in the Office of the Director; (2) The Commercial Activities Review Team (CART) in the Office of Management Assessment, has primary responsibility for coordinating the reviews across NIH; (3) Teams of program staff (Co-chair workgroups) are involved in reviewing the inventory of commercial functions at NIH and ensuring that it is being applied uniformly and consistently across the ICs; and (4) Numerous program offices are involved in reviewing the functional definitions and assisting the Co-chair groups with revisions of the inventory as necessary.

















Last Updated: 4/27/2004

National Institutes of Health
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