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Q: I am a Project Officer and have responsibility for managing an NIH contract. I have been recorded on the FAIR inventory as Inherently Governmental (IG). Is it therefore accurate to say that I am exempt from the cost comparison process?

No. It is the function of the Project Officer that is IG, not the individual. NIH is restricted from outsourcing the oversight of government contracts (IG functions). However, the individual generally has assignments that are made up from both IG and commercial functions. NIH has the authority to restructure the functions that make up an individual’s assignments to meet the mission regardless of whether they are commercial or IG. Just because an individual has been designated as IG for the FAIR Act inventory because the preponderance of their duties are currently considered IG, does not mean the function is exempt from review and restructuring. It is entirely possible that a given individual’s responsibilities, both IG and commercial could be reorganized to support a more efficient and effective structure.

















Last Updated: 9/24/2003

National Institutes of Health
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