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Q: What are the various types of Competitive Sourcing Reviews?
A: Generally, there are two types of reviews, standard reviews and streamlined reviews. The rules of A-76 require that standard reviews be completed within 12 months, with an extension of up to 6 months available in rare circumstances. Under the standard review procedures, the agency develops a proposal for a “most efficient organization” or “MEO” that competes with bids from the private sector. Under a streamlined review, agencies calculate the cost of how they currently do business and compare this to an estimated private sector cost using documented market research or soliciting cost proposals in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Under a second type of streamlined review, the agency also develops an MEO as part of the process. Streamlined reviews must be completed in 90 days, with 45-day extension possible in cases where the agency develops an MEO.

















Last Updated: 4/27/2004

National Institutes of Health
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