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Perimeter Security

The NIH Perimeter Security System (PSS or “the fence”) is scheduled for activation in mid- to late August. In addition to the other elements that make up the perimeter security system, the fence provides the NIH with the necessary level of security while offering as much convenience as possible to its employees, patients, and visitors. Most security screenings and NIH Visitor ID badges will be issued at the campus perimeter. This fosters an “open campus” atmosphere to the greatest extent possible once on campus.  The NIH Community Advisory Board for Security (CABS), a trans-NIH committee, has worked closely with ORS and to develop and review the PSS policies and procedures for employees, patients, and visitors. The NIH Director has also reviewed and approved the NIH PSS Implementation Plan.

To keep NIH community informed about the timeline, important issues and progress, the ORS Security and Emergency Response (SER) staff is launching a communications initiative to include global email announcements, articles in NIH publications, presentations to building groups, postings to websites and announcements on the NIH Highway Advisory Radio (1660 AM).  The communications campaign will intensify as the activation date nears but information updates about the Perimeter Security System will be ongoing even after full implementation.

Watch for future notices about PSS implementation in NIH publications, global emails and on this website. Still have questions?  Contact the ORS Information Line at or 301-594-6677, TTY 301-435-1908.

Office of Research ServicesOffice of Research FacilitiesNational Institutes of HealthDepartment of Health and Human Services