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Funding Opportunities in Biostatistics - Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences SRAB
* About
* Funded Statistical Grants
* Statistical Study Sections
* Program Directors for the DCCPS Statistical Portfolio
* Special Funding Solicitations
* Application Forms and Instructions
* Other Funding Sites
* Articles & Presentations on Funding
* Biostatistical Groups at NCI
* Announcements
Related Materials:
* Center for Scientific Review: Referral Procedures
* Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET)

About provides information on currently funded statistical grants within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. This Statistical Grant Portfolio is managed by Eric J. Feuer, Ph.D., a Program Director and Mathematical Statistician in the Statistical Research and Applications Branch (SRAB).

Many of NCI's statistical methods grants are funded through this Statistical Grants Portfolio. The Biostatistical Methods and Research Design (BMRD) Study Section (formerly SNEM-5), with Dr. Ann Hardy as its Scientific Review Administrator, reviews statistical methodology grants. More than 50% of NIH grant applications reviewed under BMRD are from NCI. The Health Services Organization and Delivery (HSOD) Study Section (formerly SNEM-4) reviews grants on statistical software that have potential for commercialization from Small Business Innovative Research and Small Business Technology Transfer.

The Statistical Grant Portfolio consists of about 100 funded projects in biometry and biostatistics. These projects are related to areas of research that NCI is currently emphasizing, including cancer treatment, etiology, epidemiology, cancer prevention, outcomes research, dietary assessment, and cancer surveillance. The Portfolio represents a wide range of cancer research projects on statistical topics, such as survival analysis, generalized linear models, sequential analysis, and Bayesian inference. Statistical methods in this portfolio allow for interpretation of research results across the full spectrum of the cancer control continuum, i.e., prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Established for the extramural statistical research community, pulls together much of the relevant information about the funding mechanisms and opportunities at NIH.

Please contact Dr. Feuer with any questions related to the Statistical Grants Portfolio or NIH funding opportunities in biostatistics.

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