Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


Crossword Puzzles

The Office of Government Ethics is providing a series of crossword puzzles on various ethics topics. You may select one of the following formats.

Fillable VersionYou may play this puzzle on our web site. JAVA must be enabled in the browser in order to access and work this version of the puzzle.

Section 508 compliant version You must have the demo version of Talking Word Puzzle downloaded and installed in order to access and work this puzzle. The demo version can be found at: and limits you to 15 minutes of working time.

Please note: In order to properly access this puzzle first save the puzzle to your hard drive and then open the Talking Word software. When you first run Talking Word Puzzles, the program shows you a word puzzle. The program tries to use the last puzzle with which you worked. To open another puzzle, use the File menu's Open command or press Ctrl+O. When you do, the software shows a list of existing puzzles from which you may select. Please refer to the Software User's Manual at for more information. This user manual is also found under the Help menu of your Talking Word puzzle

Printed PDF versions (Puzzles and Answers) - You may print the puzzles and answers.

Misuse of Position Employee Crossword Puzzle (2007)

Everything about your government position — your title and authority, the information you need to do your job, your time and the government property you use to accomplish your work — should be used for the benefit of the American people. You and others you know should not improperly benefit from your government position. This crossword puzzle gives you a chance to test your knowledge of some of the misuse of position rules.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

Outside Activities Employee Crossword Puzzle (2007)

An outside activity or employment is most likely to present a conflict when it has some relationship to your government job. You need to be sure you know what is and is not permitted when engaging in an outside activity or employment. Designed to enhance your awareness of the ethics rules, this crossword puzzle gives you a chance to test your knowledge of some of the outside activities standards.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

Gifts Employee Crossword Puzzle (2007)

People give gifts for a variety of reasons. Sometimes gifts are given in an attempt to influence the way federal employees perform their government duties. You want to avoid gifts — whether from outside sources or between employees — that might affect or appear to affect the way you do your job. This crossword puzzle gives you a chance to test your knowledge of some of the gift rules.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

General Things You Should Know About Ethics Employee Crossword Puzzle (2007)

You play a part in making your agency an ethical workplace. To do this, you need to appreciate how the ethics program works in your agency and the Federal Government. This crossword puzzle provides an opportunity to test your understanding of the ground rules on ethics.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

Seeking and Post-Employment Employee Crossword Puzzle (2007)

There are rules that may apply to you if you are looking for a job outside the government. Once you get a new job, there may be restrictions on what you can do for your new employer. This crossword puzzle gives you a chance to increase your knowledge of some of the seeking employment standards and the post-employment law.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

Grand Slam Employee Crossword Puzzle (2008)

You play a part in making your agency an ethical workplace. The behavior of every Federal employee shapes the public's perception of its Government. Want to be sure you're doing your part? Know the Standards of Conduct, the conflict of interest laws, and how the ethics program works in your agency and the Federal Government. This puzzle gives you a chance to test your knowledge in these areas.

NOTE: This puzzle is a compilation of the employee crossword puzzles the U.S. Office of Government Ethics issued in 2007.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)

Public Financial Disclosure Employee Crossword Puzzle (2008)

The public financial disclosure crossword puzzle has been designed for executive branch employees who are required to complete an SF 278 report. Public financial disclosure is your agency's first line of defense against conflicts of interest. When your ethics official reviews your report, the official helps protect you from conflicts of interest. But this review is based on how well you complete the SF 278 report. This crossword puzzle provides an opportunity to test your understanding of the public financial disclosure rules.

Fillable Version

Section 508 compliant version

Print Versions: Puzzle (PDF) | Answers (PDF)