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Years:  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000
Year 2008Back to top
Comparing SNOMED CT and the NCI Thesaurus through Semantic Web Technologies
Bodenreider O
Proc. KR-MED 2008
Issues in Mapping LOINC Laboratory Tests to SNOMED CT
Bodenreider O
AMIA Annu Symp Proc 2008:51-55
Year 2007Back to top
Combining Resources to Find Answers to Biomedical Questions
Demner-Fushman D, Humphrey SM, Ide NC, Loane RF, et al
Proc TREC 2007, 205-14
(Abstract) (PDF)
Experience in Integrating Large RDF-based Biomedical Knowledge Resources with Oracle
Zeng K, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the 8th International Oracle Life Sciences User Group Meeting 2007:(electronic proceedings:
(Abstract) (PDF)
Fine-Grained Indexing of the Biomedical Literature: MeSH Subheading Attachment for a MEDLINE Indexing Tool
Neveol A, Shooshan SE, Mork JG, Aronson AR
AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007;:553-7
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2006Back to top
Data Integration Through Data Elements: Mapping Data Elements to Terminological Resources
Mougin F, Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the Second Interntional Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM-2006) 2006:52-59
(Abstract) (PDF)
Experience in Reasoning with the Foundational Model of Anatomy in OWL DL
Zhang S, Bodenreider O, Golbreich C
In: Altman RB, Dunker AK, Hunter L, Murray TA, Klein TE, editors. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: World Scientific; 2006. p. 200-211.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Interpretation of Data and Identification of Information are Sine Qua Non for Modern Digital Information Services
He Y, Kayaalp M
Proceedings of AMIA Symposium, 2006
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Foundational Model of Anatomy in OWL: Experience and Perspectives
Golbreich C, Zhang S, Bodenreider O
Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 2006;4(3):181-195.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Using Dependence Relations in MeSH as a Framework for the Analysis of Disease Information in Medline
Vizenor L, Bodenreider O
Proceddings of the Second International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM-2006) 2006:76-83
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2005Back to top
Alignment of Multiple Ontologies of Anatomy: Deriving Indirect Mappings from Direct Mappings to a Reference
Zhang S, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:864-868.
(Abstract) (PDF)
An Ontology-Driven Clustering Method for Supporting Gene Expression Analysis
Wang H, Azuaje F, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2005:389-394.
(Abstract) (PDF)
An ontology of chemical entities helps identify dependence relations among Gene Ontology terms
Bergun A, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM-2005) 2005.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Approaches to Eliminating Cycles in the UMLS Metathesaurus: Naive vs. Formal
Mougin F, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:550-554.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Biomedical Ontologies
Bodenreider O, Burgun A
In: Chen H, Fuller S, Jersh WR, Friedman C, editors. Medical Informatics: Advances in Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine: Springer-Verlag; 2005. p. 211-236.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Classifying diseases with respect to anatomy: a study in SNOMED CT
Bergun A, Bodenreider O, Mougin F
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:91-95.
(Abstract) (PDF)
GenesTrace: Phenomic Knowledge Discovery Via Structured Terminologies
Cantor MN, Sarkar INK, Bodenreider O, Lussier YA
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005: World Scientific. 2005;:103-114.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Implementing RxNav, a RxNorm Browser
Zeng K, Bodenreider O, Nelson SJ
Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe 2005 (CD-ROM) 2005:1268.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Issues in the Classification of Disease Instances with Ontologies
Bergun A, Bodenreider O, Jacquelinet C
Stud Health Technol Inform 2005;116:695-700.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Knowledge Integration for Bio-Threat Response
Backer A, Bodenreider O, Karp P, Kelly H, Loranger S, Musen M, Sriram R, Wroe C
Los Alamos White Paper
(Abstract) (PDF)
Linking the Gene Ontology to other biological ontologies
Bodenreider O, Burgun A
Proceedings of the ISMB'2005 SIG meeting on Bio-ontologies 2005:17-18.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Migrating the FMA from Protege to OWL
Golbreich C, Zhang S, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the Eighth International Protege Conference 2005:108-111.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Non-Lexical Approaches to Identifying Associative Relations in the Gene Ontology
Bodenreider O, Aubry M, Burgun A
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2005: World Scientific. 2005;:91-102.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Of Mice and Men: Aligning Mouse and Human Anatomies
Bodenreider O, Hayamizu TF, Ringwald M, De Coronado S, Zhang S
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:61-65.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Ontology-driven Similarity Approaches to Supporting Gene Functional Assessment
Azuaje F, Wang H, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the ISMB'2005 SIG meeting on Bio-ontologies 2005:9-10.
(Abstract) (PDF)
RxNav: A Progress Report
Zeng K, Bodenreider O, Nelson SJ
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:1168.
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Foundational Model of Anatomy in OWL: experience and perspectives
Golbreich C, Zhang S, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions 2005.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Utilizing the UMLS for Semantic Mapping between Terminologies
Fung KW, Bodenreider O
Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:266-270.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2004Back to top
Aligning Knowledge Sources in the UMLS: Methods, Quantitative Results, and Applications
Bodenreider O, Burgun A
Medinfo. 2004 Sept.;2004:327-331.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Comparing Associative Relationships Among Equivalent Concepts Across Ontologies
Zhang S, Bodenreider O
MedInfo. 2004 Sept.;2004: 459-463.
(Abstract) (PDF)
From Functional Similarity Among Gene Products to Dependence Relations Among Gene Ontology Terms (Abstract)
Bodenreider O, Aubry M, Burgun A
Proceedings of the second conference on Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics (SOFG 2) 2004:53.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Gene Expression Correlation and Gene Ontology-Based Similarity: An Assessment of Quantitative Relationships
Wang H, Azuaje F, Bodenreider O, Dopazo J
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB'2004) 2004:25-31.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Gene Ontology-Driven Similarity for Gene Expression Correlation Analysis
Azuaje FJ, Bodenreider O, Wang H, Dopazo J
Proceedings of the second conference on Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics (SOFG 2) 2004:47.
GenesTraceTM: Biological Knowledge Discovery via Structured Terminology
Sarkar IN, Cantor MN, Bodenreider O, Lussier YA
(Abstract) (PDF)
Incorporating Ontology-Driven Similarity Knowledge Into Functional Genomics: An Exploratory Study
Bodenreider O, Azuaje F
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Fourth Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE-2004) 2004:317-324.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Investigating Implicit Knowledge in Ontologies with Application to the Anatomical Domain
Zhang S , Bodenreider O
Altman RB, Dunker AK, Hunter L, Jung TA, Klein TE, editors. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004: World Scientific. 2004;: 250-261.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Mapping the Gene Ontology Into the Unified Medical Language System
Lomax J, McCray AT
Comparative and Functional Genomics
(Abstract) (PDF)
RxNav: A Semantic Navigation Tool for Clinical Drugs
Bodenreider O, Nelson SJ
Medinfo. 2004 Sept.;2004: 1530.
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Ontology-Epistemology Divide: A Case Study in Medical Terminology
Bodenreider O, Smith B, Burugn A
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS2004): IOS Press; 2004. p. 185-195.
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): Integrating Biomedical Terminology
Bodenreider O
Nucleic Acids Res; Database Issue. 2004;32: 267-70.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2003Back to top
Aligning Representations of Anatomy Using Lexical and Structural Methods
Zhang S , Bodenreider O
Proc. AMIA Symposium. 2003 Nov;:753-757.
(Abstract) (PDF)
An Evaluation of Hybrid Methods for Matching Biomedical Terminologies: Mapping the Gene Ontology to the UMLS
Cantor MN, SI N, Hartel F, Bodenreider O, Lussier YA
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003;:62-67.
(Abstract) (PDF)
An Upper Level Ontology for the Biomedical Domain
McCray AT
Comp Funct Genom. 2003;4:80-4.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Biomedical Ontologies
Bodenreider O, Mitchell JA, McCray AT
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing: World Scientific. 2003;:562-564.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Evaluation of WordNet as a Source of Lay Knowledge for Molecular Biology and Genetic Diseases: A Feasibility Study
Bodenreider O, Burgun A, Mitchell JA
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003;95:379-384.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Exploring Adjectival Modification in Biomedical Discourse Across Two Genres
Bodenreider O, Pakhomov S
Proc. of the ACL, 2003 Workshop, Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine. 2003;:105-112.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Exploring Semantic Groups Through Visual Approaches
Bodenreider O , McCray AT
Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2003;36(6):414-432
(Abstract) (PDF)
From Phenotype to Genotype: Issues in Navigating the Available Information Resources
Mitchell JA , McCray AT , Bodenreider O
Methods of Information in Medicine. 2003;42(5):557-563.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Graphical Visualization and Navigation of Genetic Disease Information
Bodenreider O , Mitchell JA
Proc. AMIA Symposium. 2003 Nov;:792.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Knowledge Augmentation for Aligning Ontologies: An Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain
Zhang S , Bodenreider O
Proceedings of the Semantic Integration Workshop at the Second International Semantic Web Conference. 2003: 109-114.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Semantic Integration in Biomedicine
Bodenreider O , Zhang S
Proceedings of the Semantic Integration Workshop at the Second International Semantic Web Conference. 2003;: 156-157.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Strength in Numbers: Exploring Redundancy in Hierarchical Relations Across Biomedical Terminologies
Bodenreider O
Proc. AMIA Symposium. 2003 Nov;101-105:.
(Abstract) (PDF)
The UMLS Knowledge Source Server: An Object Model For Delivering UMLS Data
Bangalore A , Thorn KE , Tilley C , Peters L
Proc. AMIA Symposium. 2003 Nov;:51-55.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2002Back to top
A Conceptual Framework for the Biomedical Domain
McCray AT, Bodenreider O
The Semantics of Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2002;:181-198.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Assessing the Consistency of a Biomedical Terminology Through Lexical Knowledge
Bodenreider O, Burgun A, Rindflesch TC
Int J Med Inf. 2002 Dec 4;67(1-3):85-95.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Assessing the Consistency of a Biomedical Terminology Through Lexical Knowledge
Bodenreider O, Burgun A, Rindflesch TC
Proc. of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing in Biomedical Applications. 2002;:77-83.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Characterizing the Definitions of Anatomical Concepts in WordNet and Specialized Sources
Bodenreider O, Burgun A
Proc. of the First Global WordNet Conference. 2002;:223-230.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Evaluation of the UMLS as a Terminology and Knowledge Resource for Biomedical Informatics
Bodenreider O, Mitchell JA, McCray AT
Proc. of AMIA Annual Symposium. 2002;:61-65.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Experiences in Visualizing and Navigating Biomedical Ontologies and Knowledge Bases
Bodenreider O
Proc. of the ISMB'SIG meeting; Bio-ontologies. 2002;:29-32.
(Abstract) (PDF)
From Phenotype to Genotype: Navigating the Available Information Resources
Mitchell JA, McCray AT, Bodenreider O
Proc. of AMIA Annual Symposium. 2002;:1109.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Representation of Roles in Biomedical Ontologies: A Case Study in Functional Genomics
Burgun A, Bodenreider O, Le Duff F, Moussouni F, Loreal O
Proc AMIA Symp. 2002 ;():86-90.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Unsupervised, Corpus-Based Method for Extending a Biomedical Terminology
Bodenreider O, Rindflesch TC, Burgun A
Proc. of the ACL Workshop; Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain. 2002;:53-60.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2001Back to top
'Ome Sweet 'Omics - A Genealogical Treasury of Words
Lederberg J, McCray AT
Genealogical Treasury of Words. Scientist. 2001;15(7):8.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Aggregating UMLS Semantic Types for Reducing Conceptual Complexity
McCray AT, Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Medinfo. 2001 ;10(Pt 1):216-20.
(Abstract) (PDF)
An Object-Oriented Model for Representing Semantic Locality in the UMLS
Bodenreider O
Medinfo. 2001 ;10(Pt 1):161-5.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Aspects of the Taxonomic Relation in the Biomedical Domain
Burgun A, Bodenreider O
FOIS. 2001;: 222-233
(Abstract) (PDF)
Circular Hierarchical Relationships in the UMLS: Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications, and Prevention
Bodenreider O
Proc AMIA Symp. 2001 ;():57-61.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Comparing Terms, Concepts and Semantic Classes in WordNet and the Unified Medical Language System
Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Proc. of the NAACL'2001 Workshop; WordNet and Other Lexical Resources: Applications, Extensions and Customizations. 2001;:77-82.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Lexically-Suggested Hyponymic Relations Among Medical Terms and Their Representation in the UMLS
Bodenreider O, Burgun A, Rindflesch TC
Proc. of TIA'2001; Terminology and Artificial Intelligence. 2001;:11-21.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Mapping the UMLS Semantic Network into General Ontologies
Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Proc AMIA Symp. 2001 ;():81-5.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Methods for Exploring the Semantics of the Relationships Between Co-Occurring UMLS Concepts
Burgun A, Bodenreider O
Medinfo. 2001 ;10(Pt 1):171-5.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Relationships Among Knowledge Structures: Vocabulary Integration Within a Subject Domain
Bodenreider O, Bean CA
Relationships in the organization of knowledge: Kluwer. 2001;:81-98.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2000Back to top
A Semantic Navigation Tool for the UMLS
Bodenreider O
Proc. of AMIA Annual Symposium. 2000;: 971.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Comment les Usagers Accedent a l'Information Medicale Aux USA: l'Exemple de MEDLINEplus [How Consumers Access Health Information in the USA: The MEDLINEplus Example]
Bodenreider O
Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Medecine. 2000;21(5):286-90.
(Abstract) (PDF)
De la Classification à la Connaissance des Maladies: Une Réflexion à Partir de la Classification Internationale des Maladies [From Classification to Knowledge About Diseases: Thoughts about the International Classification of Diseases]
Botti G, Bodenreider O, Burgun A, Le Beux P, Fieschi M
Innovation et Technologie en Biologie et Médecine. 2000;21(5):291-97.
Identifying Proper Names in Parallel Medical Terminologies
Bodenreider O, Zweigenbaum P
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2000 ;77():443-7.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Modelling Syllepse in Medical Knowledge Bases with Application in the Domain of Organ Failure and Transplantation
Jacquelinet C, Bodenreider O, Burgun A
Proc. of OntoLex; Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Knowledge Bases 2000.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Strategies d'Identification des Noms Propres a Partir de Nomenclatures Medicales Paralleles
Bodenreider O, Zweigenbaum P
Traitement Automatique des Langues. 2000;41(3):727-757.
(Abstract) (PDF)
Using UMLS Semantics for Classification Purposes
Bodenreider O
Proc AMIA Symp. 2000 ;():86-90.
(Abstract) (PDF)