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Fluorescence News (1970s-1990s)

n the decades following Dr. Axelrod's groundbreaking work, many other scientists have used the SPF in their research. Dr. Bowman could never have imagined these applications back in 1955. He provided a tool for a new generation of scientists, who take the fluorescence phenomenon for granted and use variants of his instrument in their search for new ways to learn about the human body.

Today, fluorescence and updated versions of the SPF are used in measuring the quantity or cellular location of drugs, salts, proteins, or DNA. Other examples of research using fluorescence include: sequencing DNA; detecting viral or bacterial DNA during PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests of potential bioterror samples; studying protein and drug activity and binding; measuring cell markers in AIDS; researching how muscles work; and tracing neuron receptors to map the brain.

He provided a tool for a new generation of scientists.

Photomicrograph of mouse fibroblast cells

Photomicrograph of mouse fibroblast cells stained with three different dyes: two for different cytoskeletal components (green stain for actin fibers, orange for tubulin fibers), and one (violet) for the DNA coiled and packaged inside cell nuclei. Photograph by Jennifer Kramer and Sam Wells. Used with permission of Molecular Probes, Inc.



Click on the film icon to watch a video on the current uses of fluorescence and the SPF.

Video link on the current uses of fluorescecne (small format)

Small (56k modem)

Video link on the current uses of fluorescecne  (large format) Large (ISDN/DSL)



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