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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

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Graduate and Medical Students

Both graduate and medical students may spend time in the basic and clinical research laboratories of NICHD. Medical students join us for year-long experiences through formal NIH-wide training programs or through an independent arrangement with an investigator whose research is a good fit with their interests. Clinical and medical research electives are also possible, for four-week and longer rotations.

Graduate students have an opportunity to conduct their thesis research in one of the NICHD laboratories', assuming there is a good fit with one of our laboratories research programs, and an opening. Many graduate students participate in a formal program through the NIH intramural Graduate Partnerships Program (GPP), too. In addition, NICHD has formal affiliations with international universities, for graduate training.

  • International Programs

    • The Chinese University of Hong Kong

      Since 2003, graduate students from the Department of Biochemistry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have come to the laboratories of NICHD to conduct their thesis research.

    • Peking University Health Science Center

      In 2007, a program was established with the Medical Genetics Center of Peking University's Health Science Center. Graduate students come to our laboratories at NIH/NICHD for the research training that will form the basis of their doctoral thesis.

  • Clinical Electives

    A clinical elective rotation is a stimulating way to experience the research environment of the NIH Clinical Research Center, where all patients being cared for are part of a clinical trial or clinical research protocol. These rotations focus on learning, often about highly complex cases or so-called orphan diseases. Both medical students and residents are invited to participate in this program. Individualized research electives are also possible, in an area where you have a particular interest and background.

  • Summer Internship Program (SIP) for medical and dental students

    Medical students are invited to apply for summer research training in our clinical and basic science laboratories during their unscheduled time after the first year of medical school and, in some cases, their second year - depending on the particular school and when your clinical clerkships begin.

  • Graduate Partnerships Program, NIH

    Investigators in NICHD participate in graduate education programs sponsored through the central GPP. Contact the NICHD Office of Education for guidance about mentor selection in our institute, for the particular program to which you are applying.