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#377Working from Home - Understand the Technologies
This course is designed to give an overview of remote connectivity solutions which allow NIH employees to access resources at NIH from a remote location.

The course presentation is now available for download.

A flash movie of this presentation is now available for download. Becasue of the download file size it is offered in 2 segments. You must download both segments to view the complete presentation.
Segment 1 is a 20 MB download.
Segment 2 is a 23 MB download.
Topics will include:
  • Basic internet connectivity options - broadband and dialup
  • Using VPN and Parachute to connect to the NIH network
    • How to get an account
    • Login tips and troubleshooting
  • Email from home
    • Outlook Web Access
    • Using Outlook offline
    • Sending attachments
  • Breeze for meeting collaboration
  • Mapping a network drive
  • Testing access to Enterprise applications ahead of time
  • Basics on home PC setups, including security requirements
This is not designed to be a home networking course. For basic home networking, see Home Networking Fundamentals.
Who should attend:
NIH staff interested in accessing resources on the NIH Network with their home computer or while traveling with a mobile computer. This would also be of interest to NIH employees who are not currently working from home but may be called upon as emergency employees in the event of a pandemic flu.
Jeff Wilkerson, Division of Customer Support, CIT
Time Required:
3 hours
Sections Available:
377-09F March 18 9:00 - 12:00 Fernwood Building, Lower Level Classroom - 1NW02

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