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#180NIH Data Warehouse Query: Budget & Finance
The Budget & Finance full day training course will teach students how to access current and first prior fiscal year Financial data, as well as summary Obligation, Accrual and Disbursement data for the prior five fiscal years. Students will also learn how to access information relating to current year actions against prior year funds, available fund balance data, and Open Document records from the Central Accounting System. The Budget and Finance Business Area provides integrated information from the Administrative Database (ADB) and the Central Accounting System (CAS). Using a training environment, users will be shown how to run, export and modify standard DW Query Reports. They will also be shown the ad hoc functionality that allows you to create your own reports from scratch.

Student guides are available online for all of the Data Warehouse classes.
Who should attend:
Appropriate NIH staff
John (Andy) Moltz, Division of Enterprise and Custom Applications, CIT
Carmen Bell, Division of Enterprise and Custom Applications, CIT
Time Required:
5 hours
Sections Available:
-- Concluded -- 180A-09F October 21 9:00 - 3:00 Building 12A, Room B47
-- Concluded -- 180B-09F November 19 9:00 - 3:00 Building 12A, Room B47
180C-09F January 13 9:00 - 3:00 Building 12A, Room B47

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