Drying fish

AHHI Events and

Note: Check upcoming and past events for additional information, including notices, submission guidelines, agendas, and summary reports. Materials are added and updated regularly.

2009    •    2010    •    Past news/events

Date News & Events
2009 ~
July 12-16, 2009 14th ICCH “IPY Legacy for Arctic Human Health”
Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
More conference info
2010 ~  
June 8-12, 2010 International Polar Year Arctic Science Conference
Oslo, Norway
More conference info
Submission to Polar Science-Global Impact (10 KB, PDF symbol pdf)

Past News & Events

2008 ~  
December 9-12, 2008

International Arctic Change 2008 Conference
Quebec City, Quebec Canada 
More event info
Arctic Change 2008: Conference Program & Abstracts (3.9 MB, PDF symbol pdf)

September 24, 2008 "People at the Poles" Polar Day
September 24th marks the sixth quarterly
International Polar Day, this time focusing on People.
More info
August 25-29, 2008 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI)
AHHI Symposium
Nuuk, Greenland 
More event info
Human Health Session (101 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
August 12-13, 2008 8th Conference of Arctic Parliamentarians
Fairbanks, Alaska USA
More event info
Conference Statement (42 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
Speech on Arctic Human Health (56 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
May 20-22, 2008 Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group Meeting
Olso, Norway 
AHHI SDWG report (106 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
May 12-16, 2008 The Annual Workshop of the International
Network for Circumpolar Health Research

AHHI Symposium and Steering Committee meeting
Tromso, Norway
More workshop info
AHHI symposium agenda (12 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
April 9-11, 2008 Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks Workshop
Edmonton Alberta
More workshop info
Workshop flyer (397 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
SAON health report (42 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
February 12-14, 2008 Sexual Health Conference
Resource Development and Sexual Health in Inuit Communities

Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada
More conference info (177 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
February 13-15, 2008 Climate Change and Human Health Conference
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Background, recommendations, bios, abstracts (1.66 MB, PDF symbol pdf)
Conference presentations (part 2) (3.97 MB, PDF symbol pdf)
Conference presentations (part 3) (2.60 MB, PDF symbol pdf)
Conference presentations (part 4) (3.39 MB, PDF symbol pdf)
Conference presentations (part 5) (2.16 MB, PDF symbol pdf)

February 11-13, 2008
Alaska Forum on the Environment
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
More event info
2007 ~  
December 10-14, 2007 Education, Outreach and Communications During the IPY and Beyond (AGU Fall Meeting)
San Francisco, CA, USA
More conference info
November 12-14, 2007 Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks
Stockholm, Sweden
Report and conference info available here
November 4-7, 2007 14th Canadian Conference on International Health
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
More conference info
'The Circumpolar Dimension of International Health: health research and the International Polar Year," November 5, 11:00-12:30.
October 30-
November 1, 2007
Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group meeting
Vadsø, Norway
Report from The Arctic Human Health Initiative (173 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
Report from The International Circumpolar Surveillance (191 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
October 16-17, 2007 Circumpolar Viral Hepatitis Working Group Meeting
Copenhagen, Denmark
Download flyer (53 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
Download minutes for Oct 16-17, 2007 (95 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
Download minutes for June 13, 2006 (35 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
October 18, 2007 1st Announcement of the Circumpolar Helicobacter pylori Meeting
Copenhagen, Denmark
Download flyer (131 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
September 24-26, 2007 2007 Arctic Science Conference
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
More conference info
September 8-10, 2007 NUNAMED Conference
September 1, 2007 1st Announcement of the Circumpolar Helicobacter pylori Meeting
Copenhagen, Denmark
Download flyer (131 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
August 8, 2007 Major Inuit Health Survey Drops Anchor in Nunavut
Read article (15 KB, PDF symbol pdf), CBC News
April 22-24, 2007 Circumpolar Health Research 2007
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Brochure (115 KB, PDF symbol pdf), meeting summary (83 KB, PDF symbol pdf), and photos!
March 1, 2007 The First Official Day of IPY
IPY Launch Press Release (323 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
January 21-26, 2007 Arctic Frontiers Conference
Tromso, Norway
Arctic Frontiers web site
2006 ~  
December 11-15, 2006 Data Sources and Management for the 2007-2009 IPY - info
SanFrancisco, CA
November 6-10, 2006 The Third International Workshop on Arctic Parasitology - info
Alberta, Canada
September 26, 2006 Joint Committee Hearing with the Foreign Relations
Committee on the International Polar Year

AHHI statement (60 KB, PDF symbol pdf)
June 12-16, 2006 13th ICCH ‘Gateway to IPY' - info
Novosibrisk, Russia
Proceeding publications
April 7, 2005 IPY AHHI International Advisory Group Meeting
Copenhagen, Denmark
Meeting minutes (38 KB, PDF symbol pdf)

This page last modified January 8, 2009