Fellowship and Sabbatical Positions in Cancer Surveillance Research

Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) and Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)

The Surveillance Research Program (SRP) is pleased to invite applications from qualified candidates for fellowship positions in the area of cancer surveillance research. The SRP Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) positions range from summer-only to one-year appointments at the bachelor’s, masters, and pre-and-post doctoral levels. The positions emphasize statistical and geographic methods development for estimates of cancer rates and trends, communication of reports on cancer to the nation, and administrative support.

In addition to CRTA positions, there are opportunities for experienced professionals from academia to spend all or a part of their sabbaticals in SRP under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA).  As subject matter experts, the IPA participant would pursue collaborative work on new or on-going research projects that support the SRP mission (http://surveillance.cancer.gov/about/mission.html). 

The Surveillance Research Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is based in the Rockville, Maryland, close to Washington D.C. SRP manages the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, a comprehensive population-based cancer reporting system and an authoritative source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the U.S. It also provides leadership in developing statistical and geographic methodologies appropriate for analyzing trends and for evaluating the impact of cancer control interventions as well as social, behavioral, genetic, and health care delivery factors on the cancer burden.

Cancer surveillance provides a quantitative portrait of cancer and its determinants in a defined population. Its core functions are the measurement of cancer incidence, prevalence, survival, and mortality for persons with cancer. The CRTA fellowship and IPA positions offer exciting and unique opportunities to work with leaders in the field of surveillance research and cancer control at the National Cancer Institute, the leader in providing direction and funding for cancer research nationwide. Recipients of these positions will come into contact with a large number of scientists and public health professionals representing a variety of research disciplines.

CRTA Fellowship Description and Requirements

For the CRTA fellowship, the recipient will focus on working with SRP staff on supervised research, communication, and will assist with general scientific and administrative support. The ideal candidate has good writing and editing skills, is interested in preparing and disseminating products about cancer research to various audiences, and has interest in web-based and other approaches to communication and dissemination. Additionally, the candidate should have the ability to develop and maintain tracking systems in multiple areas to support the SRP mission and demonstrates excellent database management and analytic skills.

The successful CRTA candidate will have a working knowledge of statistical and/or GIS software such as SAS, ArcGIS and WinBUGS as well as knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access). Strong social skills are required as this is a collaborative, team-based effort. The candidate must be a self-starter who is comfortable taking the initiative and who can play a major role in helping the team run successfully.

This position is a one-year full-time Cancer Research Training Award (CRTA) position. There is a possibility for yearly renewals. Stipend is commensurate with relevant work experience and education.  Health benefits are available.

IPA Description and Requirements

The IPA participant will pursue collaborative work on new or on-going research projects involving statistical analyses, development of statistical and geographic methods, geo-visualization, geographic information systems, or other specialty area in which he/she has expertise. Through the IPA mechanism, participants will come into contact with a large number of scientists and public health professionals representing a variety of research disciplines which include cancer control, epidemiology and surveillance, and they will have the opportunity to attend NCI-sponsored workshops and scientific presentations. Each individual will analyze, plan, and implement program-specific research in collaboration with NCI scientists and/or grantees. Support is available for publication and presentation of research findings through various professional outlets.

For more information on IPA assignments, visit: 

Applying for a Position

Applicants for all positions must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens. A candidate with an I-551 stamp in their passport can also qualify since this is temporary verification of permanent residency status pending issuance of the green card. Individuals with "Employment Authorization" documents (EADs) do not meet eligibility criteria. HHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers.

For both the CRTA and IPA positions, please include:

  • A cover letter describing the type of position, your educational level, and your research interests.   
  • Curriculum vitae or resume that includes your contact information.
  • Contact information for two references.

Due to the cyclical nature of hiring for these positions, recruitment is open on a continual basis. Send applications, by electronic mail, to Dr. Eric J. (Rocky) Feuer, rf41u@nih.gov

Last modified:
06 Aug 2008
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