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Many successful scientists had a mentor who helped them sustain their dreams through the challenges of professional life.

An exciting and satisfying career is a lifetime journey, an ongoing mixture of passion, hard work, and the unexpected. Along the way, inspirations and challenges come in small, engrossing stages. Someone who confidently and generously shares their experience can help you find your way through smaller challenges, while still keeping sight of the wider horizon.

Finding a mentor could mean reviving a relationship with a former professor, or cultivating a new one with a senior colleague. Networking at an annual conference can provide valuable insights, or spark an ongoing mentor connection. Even a one time interview –in person or by email – of a role model in your field can be deeply helpful.

In this section of WISH-net, you’ll find advice on what to expect and not expect as you find and cultivate a mentor, as well as web sites that offer mentoring resources.

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