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Office of Quality Management

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  Performance Management
bulleted navigtion list item Customer Scorecard
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bulleted navigtion list item Performance Management Reports
bulleted navigtion list item Process Improvement
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bulleted navigtion list item Contact Information
  Antonio Rodriguez
Director of Quality Management
301- 402-3440


Performance Management (PM) is an organization-wide change effort to assess and improve service delivery in two service provider organizations in the NIH, the Office of Research Services (ORS), and the Office of Research Facilities and Development (ORF).

PM uses the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach to strategic planning and performance management. This effort supports Government-wide initiatives such as the GPRA and the President’s Management Agenda. PM began as a pilot effort known as the Annual Self Assessments (ASAs) in FY01. In FY02, all service provider groups in ORS became involved in the ASAs. In FY03, the effort was renamed to Performance Management (PM), and encompassed service providers groups in both ORS and the newly formed ORF. Efforts will continue in FY04 and beyond to fully integrate PM into the daily business operations of both of these organizations.