NHLBI Mission Statement Patient Information NIH Mission Statement The NIH Video Clinical Center Other Clinical Trials ClinicalTrials.gov |
Patient and Physician Inquiries Welcome Welcome to the NHLBI at the Clinical Center The physicians, nurses, scientists and staff of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) welcome you to our patient recruitment and information web site. We conduct a large number of research studies with patients who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs, blood cells and bone marrow, or cholesterol. Our studies are performed at the NIH Clinical Center (CC), a hospital dedicated to the highest quality research, in Bethesda, Maryland (shown in the picture above). |
We want to provide you with information about our research and about your
disease to help you decide whether to volunteer for participation in one
of our studies.
If you qualify for a study, then treatment, evaluation and, in some
cases, transportation are FREE.
For details about the studies, choose a category above, or type the name of a specific disease in the search box to the right, and click the Submit button. |
Expanded Listing of Disease Categories