NIH Enterprise Architecture Home

Business Area: Disseminate Knowledge

This business area includes processes to share knowledge from the research. Joint task forces, industry collaborative groups, or standards setting bodies are coordinated or lead to develop standards.

Business Architecture

Disseminate Knowledge: 2 related definitions

NIH Enterprise Business Model:
As the first step in capturing the NIH Business Architecture, the Office of the Chief Information Technology (IT) Architect has constructed a single diagram...
NIH Enterprise Business ModelMapped to Other Federal Models:
The following table shows how the NIH Enterprise Business Model aligns with both the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Business Reference Model (BRM)...

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Information Architecture

Disseminate Knowledge: 1 related definitions


NIH Enterprise Conceptual Data Model:
NIHRFC0025 (Standard) - NIH Enterprise Conceptual Data Model. Provides a specification of the key data entities that support NIH’s business processes,...

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