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The HMO Cancer Research Network (CRN) consists of the research programs, enrolled populations, and data systems of 14 health maintenance organizations nationwide.

The overall goal of the CRN, and the NCI initiative under which it was funded, is to use this consortium of delivery systems to conduct research on cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, long-term care and surveillance. A portfolio of research studies encompasses cancer control topics ranging from modification of behavioral risk factors such as smoking to cancer care at the end of life.

Through this expansive program of research, the CRN seeks to improve the effectiveness of preventive, curative, and supportive interventions for both major cancers such as breast, colon and lung, and rare tumors. The CRN is also uniquely positioned to study the quality of cancer care in community-based settings. As a reflection of its commitment to improving quality of care, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is cooperatively supporting the CRN with the NCI.

The CRN research centers are comprised of scientists with expertise in epidemiology, health services, behavioral medicine, and biostatistics, as well as primary and specialty care clinicians. This environment facilitates a multidisciplinary approach to studying ways to improve cancer care.

Group Health Cooperative is the lead site for the Cancer Research Network. Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, has served as the CRN Principal Investigator since its inception.

This is an official National Cancer Institute Web site. The content is created, approved, and funded by NCI. For more information about the Cancer Research Network, contact the NCI Program Director, Martin L. Brown, Ph.D.

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