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February 2008

There is a new functionality in CRIS to notify Prescribers and Nurses via email when a new surgical pathology result is posted in CRIS.  At the time the new Surgical Pathology orders are entered, up to ten providers (usually the attending surgeon and up to nine Prescribers/Nurses) can be chosen for notification. See details.

October 2007

As of October 15th, 2007, all Prescribers were given the ability to access and clinically document progress notes in CRIS. To familiarize yourself with this new feature, there are two available options. You may attend classroom training and/or review an online tutorial:

1. Classroom Training:  For those users who already have a CRIS code/account, you may register for the Prescriber Clinical Documentation course via the CIT website

2. On-line Tutorial:

At this time, it is requested that clinicians print out progress notes for inpatients only and file them in the patients' charts (outpatient notes will print in the Medical Record Department). See details.pdf icon

For classroom training registration assistance, contact CIT Help Desk at 301-594-6248. For questions or concerns, contact CRIS Support at 301-496-8400.

Manual Documentation Forms Moving to CRIS

March 2007

  • CRIS Upgraded to Version 4.5  

    The upgrade of CRIS from version 4.0 to version 4.5 was completed on March 10, 2007. Changes were minor and new functionality will be added through incremental releases that will occur every two weeks. Watch for more information that will be disseminated through Quick Updates, flyers, and emails sent directly to users. For more information see CRIS 4.5 New Features Handout PDF Icon

February 2007

  • New Default Times Display in CRIS

    On February 19, 2007 DCRI staff implemented a new feature on all medication orders in CRIS. A new Default Times information field appears just below the Frequency selection found on each order form. This field contains the expected times that task will be scheduled on the medication worklist for the order being entered, based on both the order Frequency and Priority/Start Time selected. Please call the CRIS Support Center at 301-496-8400 with any questions regarding this new feature. Also, see the February CIO Newsletter for more details.

  • THREE New Alerts to Support Order Management

    An alert will display when users attempt to enter active orders using Today Outpt/Current Inpt or Take Home Medication session types on a patient who is in the ADMIS location. These are patients who are not yet admitted into either an inpatient or outpatient area and should only have orders entered using the session type of Futrue Outpt/pre-Admit. Additionally the order session type will now default to Future Outpt/Pre-Admit for patients in this ADMIS location.

    An alert will display when a user attempts to release hold orders on a patient who is in the ADMIS location. These patients have not yet been admitted and should not have active orders. If orders are released with the patient in the ADMIS location, they become active and will auto-discontinue at the time of admission and will need to be reordered.

    An alert will display when attempting to release hold orders on a patients closed (DSC) visit. This should not happen and the alert will stop the user from this. All orders should be released in the patients current, open visit (ADM).

January 2007

  • Requesting Changes to Patients' Protocol Assignments in CRIS

Patients' active protocol assignments, a historical record of their protocol assignments, and the status of corresponding protocol consent documents can be found in the Health Issues section of the Patient Info tab in CRIS.

There is currently a mechanism available in CRIS for authorized users to enter a protocol change service requisition. While this doesn't immediately update the protocol(s), it does generate a service request in the Medical Record Department indicating that an action is required to update the patient's protocol assignment.

The Change Protocol Assignment service requisition may be utilized to add a patient to a protocol, remove a patient from a protocol, and/or change a patient's primary protocol assignment (the protocol associated with orders NOT on a specific protocol order set).

Effective Monday January 29, 2007, access to this CRIS service requisition will be expanded to all CRIS users.

Any questions regarding this service requisition, specific training needs related to utilizing this service requisition and/or questions related to patients' protocol assignments in CRIS may be directed to Tricia Coffey in the Medical Record Department (301-496-2292).

  • ProSolv Live!

    A new interface between the NHLBI Cardiology Branch ProSolv software and CRIS was activated January 23, 2007. This enhancement will allow some exercise study results to be viewed under the Results tab in CRIS. For more details see the January 2007CIO Newsletter.

    If you have any questions about ProSolv contact Mr. Kevin Smith in the Cardiology Branch at (301) 496-6239. For issues with the interface contact the CRIS Support Desk at 301-496-8400.

October 2006

  • NEW CIO a Veteran in Information Technology

    Dr. McKeeby PhotoDr. Jon McKeeby has been named the Clinical Center's Chief Information Officer and will oversee the Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI). "Dr. McKeeby's experience and expertise are invaluable to the Clinical Center," said Dr. John I. Gallin, CC Director, in making the announcement. "His dedication to the CC's mission and leadership in information technology have been instrumental in the development and implantation of numerous initiatives."

    Dr. McKeeby earned a BS degree in Computer Science from Hope College in Michigan and an MS in Computer Science from Bowling Green State University. His federal career began in the Medical Record Department while a co-op student working on a doctorate in Computer Science at George Washington University. He was instrumental in creating the first database of clinical research studies for the CC in the early 1990's and was architect for CRIS, the Clinical Research Information System.

    Dr. McKeeby led the development and implementation of interfaces between MIS, the CC's original medical information system, and CRIS for other key information systems, including radiology, hospital statistics, nutrition, and surgery. He has received Clinical Center Director's Awards for his work on SACRED, an automated credentialing system, intramural protocol data-management services, PACSweb implementation, and CRIS implementation.

  • Admissions, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) System

    After 30 years the last functioning portion of the MIS will be replaced and the mainframe retired. The Department of Clinical Research Informatics is planning the migration of the Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) functions to the CRIS SCM on Sunday, November 5, 2006 from 6:00 a.m. to 12 :00 p.m

    During the migration there will be a CRIS downtime from 6:00 a.m. to 12 :00 p.m.

    Thank you for your patience,
    The Department of Clinical Research Informatics

September 2006

  • Interdisciplinary Problem List Flowsheet and Interdisciplinary Care View

    The Interdisciplinary Problem List Flowsheet was implemented in CRIS house wide in October 2006. Training material on how to use the Interdisciplinary Problem List Flowsheet and the Interdisciplinary Care View can be found on the CRIS website at:

This page last updated 12/10/08


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