


Bioethics in the News

BioEdge – This is a weekly newsletter maintained and supported by volunteers and contributors. It is aims to promote ethics in medicine and to provide information and commentary on bioethics. - A global information source on bioethics news and issues

Bioethics Forum – This site, a service of The Hastings Center, provides commentary on issues in bioethics - patient care, health policy, medical science and research, biotechnology, the beginnings and endings of life, and environment and health. It aims to broaden and deepen the social debates about bioethical issues. The site links to bioethics articles in the newspapers and magazines and to  blogs that provide both news and commentary on health care organizational ethics, global bioethics and neuroethics and the law. - Provides links to daily news articles and weekly commentary on issues in bioethics, from the American Journal of Bioethics..

Bioethics News - The news service sponsored by the biotechnology industry.

CNN's ethicsmatters – This site archives CNN columns by Dr. Jeffrey Kahn, University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics.  The most recent information is from 2002 and organized by topic.

The IRB Forum – This site provides news and information about upcoming events concerning ethical, regulatory, policy concerns about research with humans.

MSNBC "Breaking Bioethics" - News columns on topical issues by Dr. Arthur Caplan for the University of Pennsylvania.

News in Bioethics and Biotechnology – This site links to journals, books and news.  The list, by topic, is prepared by Darryl Mercer of the Eubios Institute.

Science and Development Network – News stories about health in the developing world. Search for bioethics.

SciDev.Net distributes news and science and technology aimed toward the developing world.  It is updated weekly and has a section on ethics of research.


Last updated: 08/11/08