[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 12, Volume 6]

[Revised as of January 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 12CFR716.6]

[Page 547-549]


                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING






                  Subpart A_Privacy and Opt Out Notices


Sec. 716.6  Information to be included in initial and annual privacy 


    (a) General rule. The initial and annual privacy notices under 

Sec. Sec. 716.4 and 716.5 must include each of the following items of 

information that applies to you or to the consumers to whom you send 

your privacy notice, in addition to any other information you wish to 


    (1) The categories of nonpublic personal information that you 


    (2) The categories of nonpublic personal information that you 


    (3) The categories of affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties to 


[[Page 548]]

you disclose nonpublic personal information, other than those parties to 

whom you disclose information under Sec. Sec. 716.14 and 716.15;

    (4) The categories of nonpublic personal information about your 

former members that you disclose and the categories of affiliates and 

nonaffiliated third parties to whom you disclose it, other than those 

parties to whom you disclose information under Sec. Sec. 716.14 and 


    (5) If you disclose nonpublic personal information to a 

nonaffiliated third party under Sec. 716.13 (and no other exception 

applies to that disclosure), a separate statement of the categories of 

information you disclose and the categories of third parties with whom 

you have contracted;

    (6) An explanation of the consumer's right under Sec. 716.10(a) to 

opt out of the disclosure of nonpublic personal information to 

nonaffiliated third parties, including the methods by which the consumer 

may exercise that right at that time;

    (7) Any disclosures that you make under section 603(d)(2)(A)(iii) of 

the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(d)(2)(A)(iii)) (that is, 

notices regarding the ability to opt out of disclosure of information 

among affiliates);

    (8) Your policies and practices with respect to protecting the 

confidentiality and security of nonpublic personal information; and

    (9) Any disclosures you make under paragraph (b) of this section.

    (b) Description of nonaffiliated third parties subject to 

exceptions. If you disclose nonpublic personal information to third 

parties as authorized under Sec. Sec. 716.14 and 716.15, you are not 

required to list those exceptions in the initial or annual privacy 

notices required by Sec. Sec. 716.4 and 716.5. When describing the 

categories with respect to those parties, you are required to state only 

that you make disclosures to other nonaffiliated third parties as 

permitted by law.

    (c) Short-form initial notice with opt out notice for nonmember 

consumers. (1) You may satisfy the initial notice requirements in 

Sec. Sec. 716.4(a)(2), 716.7(b), and 716.7(c) for a consumer who is not 

a member by providing a short-form initial notice at the same time as 

you deliver an opt out notice as required in Sec. 716.7.

    (2) A short-form initial notice must:

    (i) Be clear and conspicuous;

    (ii) State that your privacy notice is available upon request; and

    (iii) Explain a reasonable means by which the consumer may obtain 

that notice.

    (3) You must deliver your short-form initial notice according to 

Sec. 716.9. You are not required to deliver your privacy notice with 

your short form initial notice. You instead may simply provide the 

consumer a reasonable means to obtain your privacy notice. If a consumer 

who receives your short-form notice requests your privacy notice, you 

must deliver your privacy notice according to Sec. 716.9.

    (4) Examples of obtaining privacy notice. You provide a reasonable 

means by which a consumer may obtain a copy of your privacy notice if 


    (i) Provide a toll-free telephone number that the consumer may call 

to request the notice; or

    (ii) For a consumer who conducts business in person at your office, 

maintain copies of the notice on hand that you provide to a consumer 

immediately upon request.

    (d) Future disclosures. Your notice may include:

    (1) Categories of nonpublic personal information that you reserve 

the right to disclose in the future, but do not currently disclose; and

    (2) Categories of affiliates or nonaffiliated third parties to whom 

you reserve the right in the future to disclose, but to whom you do not 

currently disclose, nonpublic personal information.

    (e) Examples--(1) Categories of nonpublic personal information that 

you collect.

    You satisfy the requirement to categorize the nonpublic personal 

information that you collect if you list the following categories, as 


    (i) Information from the consumer;

    (ii) Information about the consumer's transactions with you or your 


    (iii) Information about the consumer's transactions with 

nonaffiliated third parties; and

[[Page 549]]

    (iv) Information from a consumer reporting agency.

    (2) Categories of nonpublic personal information you disclose. (i) 

You satisfy the requirement to categorize the nonpublic personal 

information that you disclose if you list the categories described in 

paragraph (e)(1) of this section, as applicable, and a few examples to 

illustrate the types of information in each category.

    (ii) If you reserve the right to disclose all of the nonpublic 

personal information about consumers that you collect, you may simply 

state that fact without describing the categories or examples of the 

nonpublic personal information you disclose.

    (3) Categories of affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties to whom 

you disclose. You satisfy the requirement to categorize the affiliates 

and nonaffiliated third parties to whom you disclose nonpublic personal 

information if you list the following categories, as applicable, and a 

few examples to illustrate the types of third parties in each category.

    (i) Financial service providers;

    (ii) Non-financial companies; and

    (iii) Others.

    (4) Disclosures under exception for service providers and joint 

marketers. If you disclose nonpublic personal information under the 

exception in Sec. 716.13 to a nonaffiliated third party to market 

products or services that you offer alone or jointly with another 

financial institution, you satisfy the disclosure requirement of 

paragraph (a)(5) of this section if you:

    (i) List the categories of nonpublic personal information you 

disclose, using the same categories and examples you used to meet the 

requirements of paragraphs (a)(2) of this section, as applicable; and

    (ii) State whether the third party is:

    (A) A service provider that performs marketing services on your 

behalf or on behalf of you and another financial institution; or

    (B) A financial institution with whom you have a joint marketing 


    (5) Simplified notices. If you do not disclose, and do not intend to 

disclose, nonpublic personal information about members or former members 

to affiliates or nonaffiliated third parties except as authorized under 

Sec. Sec. 716.14 and 716.15, you may simply state that fact, in 

addition to the information you must provide under paragraphs (a)(1), 

(a)(8), (a)(9) and (c) of this section.

    (6) Confidentiality and security. You describe your policies and 

practices with respect to protecting the confidentiality and security of 

nonpublic personal information if you do both of the following:

    (i) Describe in general terms who is authorized to have access to 

the information.

    (ii) State whether you have security practices and procedures in 

place to ensure the confidentiality of the information in accordance 

with your policy. You are not required to describe technical information 

about the safeguards you use.

    (7) Joint notice with affiliates. You may provide a joint notice 

from you and one or more of your affiliates or other financial 

institutions, as specified in the notice, as long as the notice is 

accurate with respect to you and the other institution.