[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 12, Volume 6]

[Revised as of January 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 12CFR612.2130]

[Page 85-87]


                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING





VIOLATIONS--Table of Contents


                     Subpart A_Standards of Conduct


Sec. 612.2130  Definitions.

                     Subpart A_Standards of Conduct


612.2130 Definitions.

612.2135 Director and employee responsibilities and conduct--generally.

612.2140 Directors--prohibited conduct.

612.2145 Director reporting.

612.2150 Employees--prohibited conduct.

612.2155 Employee reporting.

612.2157 Joint employees.

612.2160 Institution responsibilities.

612.2165 Policies and procedures.

612.2170 Standards of Conduct Official.

612.2260 Standards of conduct for agents.

612.2270 Purchase of System obligations.

      Subpart B_Referral of Known or Suspected Criminal Violations

612.2300 Purpose and scope.

612.2301 Referrals.

612.2302 Notification of board of directors and bonding company.

612.2303 Institution responsibilities.

    Authority: Secs. 5.9, 5.17, 5.19 of the Farm Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 

2243, 2252, 2254).

    Source: 59 FR 24894, May 13, 1994, unless otherwise noted.

    For purposes of this part, the following terms are defined:

    (a) Agent means any person, other than a director or employee, who 

represents a System institution in contacts with third parties or who 

provides professional services to a System

[[Page 86]]

institution, such as legal, accounting, appraisal, and other similar 


    (b) A conflict of interest or the appearance thereof exists when a 

person has a financial interest in a transaction, relationship, or 

activity that actually affects or has the appearance of affecting the 

person's ability to perform official duties and responsibilities in a 

totally impartial manner and in the best interest of the employing 

institution when viewed from the perspective of a reasonable person with 

knowledge of the relevant facts.

    (c) Controlled entity and entity controlled by mean an entity in 

which the individual, directly or indirectly, or acting through or in 

concert with one or more persons:

    (1) Owns 5 percent or more of the equity;

    (2) Owns, controls, or has the power to vote 5 percent or more of 

any class of voting securities; or

    (3) Has the power to exercise a controlling influence over the 

management of policies of such entity.

    (d) Director means a member of a board of directors.

    (e) Employee means any salaried officer or part-time, full-time, or 

temporary salaried employee.

    (f) Entity means a corporation, company, association, firm, joint 

venture, partnership (general or limited), society, joint stock company, 

trust (business or otherwise), fund, or other organization or 

institution, except System institutions.

    (g) Family means an individual and spouse and anyone having the 

following relationship to either: parents, spouse, son, daughter, 

sibling, stepparent, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, 

half brother, half sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandparent, 

grandson, granddaughter, and the spouses of the foregoing.

    (h) Financial interest means an interest in an activity, 

transaction, property, or relationship with a person or an entity that 

involves receiving or providing something of monetary value or other 

present or deferred compensation.

    (i) Financially obligated with means having a joint legally 

enforceable obligation with, being financially obligated on behalf of 

(contingently or otherwise), having an enforceable legal obligation 

secured by property owned by another, or owning property that secures an 

enforceable legal obligation of another.

    (j) Material, when applied to a financial interest or transaction or 

series of transactions, means that the interest or transaction or series 

of transactions is of such magnitude that a reasonable person with 

knowledge of the relevant facts would question the ability of the person 

who has the interest or is party to such transaction(s) to perform his 

or her official duties objectively and impartially and in the best 

interest of the institution and its statutory purpose.

    (k) Mineral interest means any interest in minerals, oil, or gas, 

including, but not limited to, any right derived directly or indirectly 

from a mineral, oil, or gas lease, deed, or royalty conveyance.

    (l) OFI means other financing institutions that have established an 

access relationship with a Farm Credit Bank or an agricultural credit 

bank under section 1.7(b)(1)(B) of the Act.

    (m) Officer means the chief executive officer, president, chief 

operating officer, vice president, secretary, treasurer, general 

counsel, chief financial officer, and chief credit officer of each 

System institution, and any person not so designated who holds a similar 

position of authority.

    (n) Ordinary course of business, when applied to a transaction, 

means: (1) A transaction that is usual and customary between two persons 

who are in business together; or

    (2) A transaction with a person who is in the business of offering 

the goods or services that are the subject of the transaction on terms 

that are not preferential. Preferential means that the transaction is 

not on the same terms as those prevailing at the same time for 

comparable transactions for other persons who are not directors or 

employees of a System institution.

    (o) Person means individual or entity.

    (p) Relative means any member of the family as defined in paragraph 

(g) of this section.

[[Page 87]]

    (q) Service organization means each service organization authorized 

by section 4.25 of the Act, and each unincorporated service organization 

formed by one or more System institutions.

    (r) Standards of Conduct Official means the official designated 

under Sec. 612.2170 of these regulations.

    (s) Supervised institution is a term which only applies within the 

context of a System bank or an employee of a System bank and refers to 

each association supervised by that bank.

    (t) Supervising institution is a term that only applies within the 

context of an association or an employee of an association and refers to 

the bank that supervises that association.

    (u) System institution and institution mean any bank, association, 

or service organization in the Farm Credit System, including the Farm 

Credit Banks, banks for cooperatives, agricultural credit banks, Federal 

land bank associations, agricultural credit associations, Federal land 

credit associations, production credit associations, the Federal Farm 

Credit Banks Funding Corporation, and service organizations.