[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 12, Volume 6]

[Revised as of January 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 12CFR745.203]

[Page 618-626]


                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING






            Subpart B_Payment of Share Insurance and Appeals


Sec. 745.203  Judicial review.

    (a) For purposes of seeking judicial review of actions taken 

pursuant to this subpart, only a determination on appeal issued by the 

Board pursuant to Sec. 745.202 of this subpart shall constitute a final 

determination regarding an accountholder's claim for insurance.

    (b) Failure to file an appeal with regard to an initial 

determination, or a decision rendered on a request for reconsideration 

with the applicable time periods shall constitute a failure by the 

accountholder to exhaust available administrative remedies and, due to 

such failure, any objections to the initial determination or request for 

reconsideration shall be deemed to be waived and such determination 

shall be deemed to have been accepted by, and binding upon, the 


    (c) Final determination by the Board is reviewable in accordance 

with the provisions of chapter 7, title 5, United States Code, by the 

United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia or the court 

of appeals for the Federal judicial circuit where the credit union's 

principal place of business is located. Such action must be filed not 

later than 60 days after such final determination is ordered.

 Appendix to Part 745--Examples of Insurance Coverage Afforded Accounts 

 in Credit Unions Insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance 


                  What Is the Purpose of This Appendix?

    The following examples illustrate insurance coverage on accounts 

maintained in the same federally-insured credit union. They are intended 

to cover various types of ownership interests and combinations of 

accounts which may occur in connection with funds invested in insured 

credit unions. These examples interpret the rules for insurance of 

accounts contained in 12 CFR part 745.

    The examples, as well as the rules which they interpret, are 

predicated upon the assumption that: (1) Invested funds are actually 

owned in the manner indicated on the credit union's records and (2) the 

owner of funds in an account is a credit union member or otherwise 

eligible to maintain an insured account in a credit union. If available 

evidence shows that ownership is different from that on the 

institution's records, the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund 

may pay claims for insured accounts on the basis of actual rather than 

ostensible ownership. Further, the examples and the rules which they 

interpret do not extend insurance coverage to persons otherwise not 

entitled to maintain an insured account or to account relationships that 

have not been approved by the Board as an insured account.

              A. How Are Single Ownership Accounts Insured?

    All funds owned by an individual member (or, in a community property 

state, by the husband-wife community of which the individual is a 

member) and invested in one or more individual accounts are added 

together and insured to the $100,000 maximum. This is true whether the 

accounts are maintained in the name of the individual member owning the 

funds, in the name of the member's agent or nominee, or in a custodial 

loan account on behalf of the member as a borrower. (Sec. 745.3(a) (1), 

(2) and (3).) All such accounts are added together and insured as one 

individual account. Funds held in one or more accounts in the name of a 

guardian, custodian, or conservator for the benefit of a ward or minor 

are added together and insured up to $100,000. However, such an account 

or accounts will not be added to any other individual accounts of the 

guardian, custodian, conservator, ward, or minor for purposes of 

determining insurance coverage. (Sec. 745.3(b).)

[[Page 619]]

                                Example 1

    Question: Members A and B, husband and wife, each maintain an 

individual account containing $100,000. In addition, they hold a joint 

account containing $100,000. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Each account is separately insured up to $100,000, for a 

total coverage of $300,000. The coverage would be the same whether the 

individual accounts contain funds owned as community property or as 

individual property of the spouses (Sec. 745.3(a)(1) and Sec. 


                                Example 2

    Question: Members H and W, husband and wife, reside in a community 

property state. H maintains a $100,000 account consisting of his 

separately-owned funds and invests $100,000 of community property funds 

in another account, both of which are in his name alone. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: The two accounts are added together and insured to a total 

of $100,000. $100,000 is uninsured (Sec. 745.3(a)(1)).

                                Example 3

    Question: Member A has $92,500 invested in an individual account, 

and his agent, Member B, invests $25,000 of A's funds in a properly 

designated agency account. B also holds a $100,000 individual account. 

What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: A's individual account and the agency account are added 

together and insured to the $100,000 maximum, leaving $17,500 uninsured. 

The investment of funds through an agent does not result in additional 

insurance coverage for the principal (Sec. 745.3(a)(2)). B's individual 

account is insured separately from the agency account (Sec. 

745.3(a)(1)). However, if the account records of the credit union do not 

show the agency relationship under which the funds in the $25,000 

account are held, the $25,000 in B's name could, at the option of the 

NCUSIF, be added to his individual account and insured to $100,000 in 

the aggregate, leaving $25,000 uninsured (Sec. 745.2(c)).

                                Example 4

    Question: Member A holds a $100,000 individual account. Member B 

holds two accounts in his own name, the first containing $25,000 and the 

second containing $92,500. In processing the claims for payment of 

insurance on these accounts, the NCUSIF discovers that the funds in the 

$25,000 account actually belong to A and that B had invested these funds 

as agent for A, his undisclosed principal. What is the insurance 


    Answer: Since the available evidence shows that A is the actual 

owner of the funds in the $25,000 account, those funds would be added to 

the $100,000 individual account held by A (rather than to B's $92,500 

account) and insured to the $100,000 maximum, leaving $25,000 uninsured. 

(Sec. 745.3(a)(2).) B's $92,500 individual account would be separately 


                                Example 5

    Question: Member C, a minor, maintains an individual account of 

$750. C's grandfather makes a gift to him of $100,000, which is invested 

in another account by C's father, designated on the credit union's 

records as custodian under a Uniform Gift to Minors Act. C's father, 

also a member, maintains an individual account of $100,000. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: C's individual account and the custodian account held for 

him by his father are each separately insured: The $100,000 maximum on 

the custodian account, and $750 on his individual account. The 

individual account held by C's father is also separately insured to the 

$100,000 maximum. (Sec. 745.3 (a)(1) and (b).)

                                Example 6

    Question: Member G, a court-appointed guardian, invests in a 

properly designated account $100,000 of funds in his custody which 

belong to member W, his ward. W and G each maintain $25,000 individual 

accounts. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: W's individual account and the guardianship account in G's 

name are each insured to $100,000 providing W with $125,000 in insured 

funds. G's individual account is also separately insured. (Sec. 745.3 

(a)(1) and (b).)

                                Example 7

    Question: X Credit Union acts as a servicer of FHA, VA, and 

conventional mortgage loans made to its members but sold to other 

parties. Each month X receives loan payments, for remittance to the 

other parties, from approximately 2,000 member mortgagors. The monies 

received each month total $1,000,000 and are maintained in a custodial 

loan account. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: X Credit Union acts as custodian for the 2,000 individual 

mortgagors. The interest of each mortgagor is separately insured as his 

individual account (but added to any other individual accounts which the 

mortgagor holds in the Credit Union) (Sec. 745.3(a)(3)).

              B. How Are Revocable Trust Accounts Insured?

    The term ``revocable trust account'' includes a testamentary 

account, tentative or ``Totten'' trust account, ``payable-on-death'' 

account, or any similar account which evidences an intention that the 

funds shall pass on the death of the owner of the funds to a named 

beneficiary. If the named beneficiary is a spouse, child, grandchild, 

parent, brother or sister (as defined in subsection 745.4(d)) of

[[Page 620]]

the owner, the funds in all such accounts are insured for the owner up 

to $100,000 in the aggregate as to each such beneficiary. If the named 

beneficiary of a revocable trust account is other than the spouse, 

child, grandchild, parent, brother or sister of the account owner, the 

funds corresponding to that beneficiary shall be treated as an 

individually owned account of the owner, aggregated with any other 

individually owned accounts of the owner, and insured up to $100,000. If 

a revocable trust account is held in the name of a fiduciary other than 

the owner of the funds, any other accounts held by the fiduciary are 

insured separately from such revocable trust account.

                                Example 1

    Question: Member H invests $200,000 in a revocable trust account 

with his son, S, and his daughter, D, as named beneficiaries. What is 

the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Since S and D are children of H, the owner of the account, 

the funds are insured up to $100,000 as to each beneficiary (Sec. 

745.4(b)). Assuming that S and D have equal beneficial interests 

($100,000 each), H is fully insured for this account.

                                Example 2

    Question: Member H invests $100,000 in each of four ``payable-on-

death'' accounts. Under the terms of each account contract, H has the 

right to withdraw any or all of the funds in the account at any time. 

Any funds remaining in the account at the time of H's death are to be 

paid to a named beneficiary. The respective beneficiaries of the four 

accounts are H's wife, his mother, his brother, and his nephew. H also 

holds an individual account containing $100,000. What is the insurance 


    Answer: The accounts payable on death to H's wife, mother and 

brother are each separately insured to the $100,000 maximum (Sec. 

745.4(b)). The account payable to H's nephew is added to H's individual 

account and insured to $100,000 in the aggregate, leaving $100,000 

uninsured (Sec. 745.4(c)).

                                Example 3

    Question: Member H and W jointly invest in a ``payable-on-death'' 

account for the benefit of their son, S, and daughter, D. The account is 

held by H and W with right of survivorship. What is the maximum 

insurance coverage available on the account?

    Answer: Since S and D are the children of H and W, the account will 

be insured up to $100,000 as to each beneficiary separately from any 

accounts of the owner, H and W (Sec. 745.4(b)). H would be entitled to 

$100,000 insurance for S and $100,000 for D. W would be entitled to the 

same coverage for a total of $400,000 on the account. However, upon the 

death of either H or W, insurance coverage would be reduced to $200,000.

                                Example 4

    Question: Member H invests $200,000 in a revocable trust account 

held in connection with a living trust with his son, S, and his 

daughter, D, as named beneficiaries. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Since S and D are children of H, the owner of the account, 

the funds would normally be insured under the rules governing revocable 

trust accounts up to $100,000 as to each beneficiary, (Sec. 745.4(b)). 

However, because this account is held in connection with a living trust 

whose named beneficiaries are qualifying beneficiaries under Sec. 

745.4, it must be scrutinized to determine whether the account complies 

with all other provisions of this part. Assuming that the account 

complies with all other requirements of this part, then it will be 

treated as any other revocable trust. In this instance, it will be 

insured up to $100,000 as to each beneficiary (Sec. 745.4(e)). Assuming 

that S and D have equal beneficial interests ($100,000 each), H is fully 

insured for this account.

                                Example 5

    Question: H creates a living trust providing for his wife to have a 

life estate interest in the trust assets with the remaining assets going 

to their two children upon the wife's death. The assets in the trust are 

$300,000 and a living trust share account is opened for that full 

amount. What is the coverage amount?

    Answer: Unless otherwise indicated in the trust, each beneficiary 

(all of whom here are qualifying beneficiaries) would be deemed to own 

an equal share of the $300,000; hence, the full amount would be insured. 

This result would be the same even if the wife has the power to invade 

the principal of the trust, inasmuch as defeating contingencies are not 

relevant for insurance purposes.

    C. How Are Accounts Held by Executors or Administrators Insured?

    All funds belonging to a decedent and invested in one or more 

accounts, whether held in the name of the decedent or in the name of his 

executor or administrator, are added together and insured to the 

$100,000 maximum. Such funds are insured separately from the individual 

accounts of any of the beneficiaries of the estate or of the executor or 


                                Example 1

    Question: Member A, administrator of Member D's estate, sells D's 

automobile and invests the proceeds of $12,500 in an account entitled 

``A Administrator of the estate of D.'' A has an individual account in 

that same credit union containing $100,000. Prior to his

[[Page 621]]

death, D had opened an individual account of $100,000. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: The $12,500 is added to D's individual account and insured 

to $100,000, leaving $12,500 uninsured. A's individual account is 

separately insured for $100,000 (Sec. 745.5).

D. How Are Accounts Held by a Corporation, Partnership or Unincorporated 

                          Association Insured?

    All funds invested in an account or accounts by a corporation, a 

partnership or an unincorporated association engaged in any independent 

activity are added together and insured to the $100,000 maximum. The 

term ``independent activity'' means any activity other than the one 

directed solely at increasing coverage. If the corporation, partnership 

or unincorporated association is not engaged in an independent activity, 

any account held by the entity is insured as if owned by the persons 

owning or comprising the entity, and the imputed interest of each such 

person is added for insurance purposes to any individual account which 

he maintains.

                                Example 1

    Question: Member X Corporation maintains a $100,000 account. The 

stock of the corporation is owned by members A, B, C, and D in equal 

shares. Each of these stockholders also maintains an individual account 

of $100,000 with the same credit union. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Each of the five accounts would be separately insured to 

$100,000 if the corporation is engaged in an independent activity and 

has not been established merely for the purpose of increasing insurance 

coverage. The same would be true if the business were operated as a bona 

fide partnership instead of as a corporation (Sec. 745.6). However, if 

X corporation was not engaged in an independent activity, then $25,000 

(\1/4\ interest) would be added to each account of A, B, C, and D. The 

accounts of A, B, C, and D would then each be insured to $100,000, 

leaving $25,000 in each account uninsured.

                                Example 2

    Question: Member C College maintains three separate accounts with 

the same credit union under the titles: ``General Operating Fund,'' 

``Teachers Salaries,'' and ``Building Fund.'' What is the insurance 


    Answer: Since all of the funds are the property of the college, the 

three accounts are added together and insured only to the $100,000 

maximum (Sec. 745.6).

                                Example 3

    Question: The men's club of X Church carries on various social 

activities in addition to holding several fund-raising campaigns for the 

church each year. The club is supported by membership dues. Both the 

club and X Church maintain member accounts in the same credit union. 

What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: The men's club is an unincorporated association engaged in 

an independent activity. If the club funds are, in fact, legally owned 

by the club itself and not the church, each account is separately 

insured to the $100,000 maximum (Sec. 745.6).

                                Example 4

    Question: The PQR Union, a member of the ABC Federal Credit Union, 

has three locals in a certain city. Each of the locals maintains an 

account containing funds belonging to the parent organization. All three 

accounts are in the same insured credit union. What is the insurance 


    Answer: The three accounts are added together and insured up to the 

$100,000 maximum (Sec. 745.6).

                E. How Are Public Unit Accounts Insured?

    For insurance purposes, the official custodian of funds belonging to 

a public unit, rather than the public unit itself, is insured as the 

account holder. All funds belonging to a public unit and invested by the 

same custodian in a federally-insured credit union are categorized as 

either share draft accounts or share certificate and regular share 

accounts. If these accounts are invested in a federally-insured credit 

union located in the jurisdiction from which the official custodian 

derives his authority, then the share draft accounts will be insured 

separately from the share certificate and regular share accounts. Under 

this circumstance, all share draft accounts are added together and 

insured to the $100,000 maximum and all share certificate and regular 

share accounts are also added together and separately insured up to the 

$100,000 maximum. If, however, these accounts are invested in a 

federally-insured credit union located outside of the jurisdiction from 

which the official custodian derives his authority, then insurance 

coverage is limited to $100,000 for all accounts regardless of whether 

they are share draft, share certificate or regular share accounts. If 

there is more than one official custodian for the same public unit, the 

funds invested by each custodian are separately insured. If the same 

person is custodian of funds for more than one public unit, he is 

separately insured with respect to the funds of each unit held by him in 

properly designated accounts.

    For insurance purposes, a ``political subdivision'' is entitled to 

the same insurance coverage as any other public unit. ``Political 

subdivision'' includes any subdivision of a public unit or any principal 

department of such unit: (1) The creation of which has been expressly 

authorized by state statute, (2) to which some functions of government 

have been allocated by state statute, and (3) to

[[Page 622]]

which funds have been allocated by statute or ordinance for its 

exclusive use and control.

                                Example 1

    Question: As Comptroller of Y Consolidated School District, A 

maintains a $125,000 account in the credit union containing school 

district funds. He also maintains his own $100,000 member account in the 

same credit union. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: The two accounts will be separately insured, assuming the 

credit union's records indicate that the account containing the school 

district funds is held by A in a fiduciary capacity. Thus, $100,000 of 

the school's funds and the entire $100,000 in A's personal account will 

be insured (Sec. 745.10(a)(2) and Sec. 745.3).

                                Example 2

    Question: A, as city treasurer, and B, as chief of the city police 

department, each have $100,000 in city funds invested in custodial 

accounts. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Assuming that both A and B have offical custody of the city 

funds, each account is separately insured to the $100,000 maximum (Sec. 


                                Example 3

    Question: A is Treasurer of X County and collects certain tax 

assessments, a portion of which must be paid to the state under 

statutory requirement. A maintains an account for general funds of the 

county and establishes a separate account for the funds which belong to 

the State Treasurer. The credit union's records indicate that the 

separate account contains funds held for the State. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: Since two public units own the funds held by A, the accounts 

would each be separately insured to the $100,000 maximum (Sec. 


                                Example 4

    Question: A city treasurer invests city funds in each of the 

following accounts: ``General Operating Account,'' ``School 

Transportation Fund,'' ``Local Maintenance Fund,'' and ``Payroll Fund.'' 

Each account is available to the custodian upon demand. By 

administrative direction, the city treasurer has allocated the funds for 

the use of and control by separate departments of the city. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: All of the accounts are added together and insured in the 

aggregate to $100,000. Because the allocation of the city's funds is not 

by statute or ordinance for the specific use of and control by separate 

departments of the city, separate insurance coverage to the maximum of 

$100,000 is not afforded to each account (Sec. Sec. 745.1(d) and 


                                Example 5

    Question: A, the custodian of retirement funds of a military 

exchange, invests $1,000,000 in an account in an insured credit union. 

The military exchange, a non-appropriated fund instrumentally of the 

United States, is deemed to be a public unit. The employees of the 

exchange are the beneficiaries of the retirement funds but are not 

members of the credit union. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Because A invested the funds on behalf of a public unit, in 

his capacity as custodian, those funds qualify for $100,000 share 

insurance even though A and the public unit are not within the credit 

union's field of membership. Since the beneficiaries are neither public 

units nor members of the credit union they are not entitled to separate 

share insurance. Therefore, $900,000 is uninsured (Sec. 745.10(a)(1)).

                                Example 6

    Question: A is the custodian of the County's employee retirement 

funds. He deposits $1,000,000 in retirement funds in an account in an 

insured credit union. The ``beneficiaries'' of the retirement fund are 

not themselves public units nor are they within the credit union's field 

of membership. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Because A invested the funds on behalf of a public unit, in 

his capacity as custodian, those funds qualify for $100,000 share 

insurance even though A and the public unit are not within the credit 

union's field of membership. Since the beneficiaries are neither public 

units nor members of the credit union they are not entitled to separate 

share insurance. Therefore, $900,000 is uninsured (Sec. 745.10(a)(2)).

                                Example 7

    Question: A county treasurer establishes the following share draft 

accounts in an insured credit union each with $100,000:

    ``General Operating Fund''

    ``County Roads Department Fund''

    ``County Water District Fund''

    ``County Public Improvement District Fund''

    ``County Emergency Fund''

What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: The ``County Roads Department,'' ``County Water District'' 

and ``County Public Improvement District'' accounts would each be 

separately insured to $100,000 if the funds in each such account have 

been allocated by law for the exclusive use of a separate county 

department or subdivision expressly authorized by State statute. Funds 

in the ``General Operating'' and ``Emergency Fund'' accounts would be 

added together and

[[Page 623]]

insured in the aggregate to $100,000, if such funds are for countywide 

use and not for the exclusive use of any subdivision or principal 

department of the county, expressly authorized by State statute 

(Sec. Sec. 745.1(d) and 745.10(a)(2)).

                                Example 8

    Question: A, the custodian of Indian tribal funds, lawfully invests 

$1,000,000 in an account in an insured credit union on behalf of 15 

different tribes; the records of the credit union show that no tribe's 

interest exceeds $100,000. A, as official custodian, also invests 

$1,000,000 in the same credit union on behalf of 100 individual Indians, 

who are not members; each Indian's interest is $10,000. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: Because each tribe is considered a separate public unit, the 

custodian of each tribe, even though the same person, is entitled to 

separate insurance for each tribe (Sec. 745.10(a)(5)). Since the credit 

union's records indicate no tribe has more than $100,000 in the account, 

the $1,000,000 would be fully insured as 15 separate tribal accounts. If 

any one tribe had more than a $100,000 interest in the funds, it would 

be insured only to $100,000 and any excess would be uninsured.

    However, the $1,000,000 invested on behalf of the individual indians 

would not be insured since the individual indians are neither public 

units nor, in the example, members of the credit union. If A is the 

custodian of the funds in his capacity as an official of a governmental 

body that qualified as a public unit, then the account would be insured 

for $100,000, leaving $900,000 uninsured.

                                Example 9

    Question: A, an official custodian of funds of a state of the United 

States, lawfully invests $250,000 of state funds in a federally-insured 

credit union located in the state from which he derives his authority as 

an official custodian. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: If A invested the entire $250,000 in a share draft account, 

then $100,000 would be insured and $150,000 would be uninsured. If A 

invested $125,000 in share draft accounts and another $125,000 in share 

certificate and regular share accounts, then A would be insured for 

$100,000 for the share draft accounts and $100,000 for the share 

certificate and regular share accounts leaving $50,000 uninsured (Sec. 

745.10(a)(2)). If A had invested the $250,000 in a federally-insured 

credit union located outside the state from which he derives his 

authority as an official custodian, then $100,000 would be insured for 

all accounts regardless of whether they were share draft, share 

certificate or regular share accounts, leaving $150,000 uninsured (Sec. 


                   F. How Are Joint Accounts Insured?

    The interest of a co-owner in all accounts held under any form of 

joint ownership valid under state law (whether as joint tenants with 

right of survivorship, tenants by the entireties, tenants in common, or 

by husband and wife as community property) is insured up to $100,000. 

This insurance is separate from that afforded individual accounts held 

by any of the co-owners.

    An account is insured as a joint account only if each of the co-

owners has personally signed a membership card or an account signature 

card and possesses the same withdrawal rights as the other co-owners. 

(The signature requirement does not apply to share certificates, or to 

any accounts maintained by an agent, nominee, guardian, custodian or 

conservator on behalf of two or more persons. However, the records of 

the credit union must show that the account is being maintained for 

joint owners. There is also another exception in the case of a minor 

discussed below.) An account owned jointly which does not qualify as a 

joint account for insurance purposes is insured as if owned by the named 

persons as individuals. In that case, the actual ownership interest in 

the account of each person is added to any other accounts individually 

owned by such person and insured up to $100,000 in the aggregate.

    Any individual, including a minor, may be a co-owner of a joint 

account. Although, generally, each co-owner must have signed an account 

signature card and must have the same rights of withdrawal as other co-

owners in order for the account to qualify for separate joint account 

insurance, there is an exception for minors. If state law limits or 

restricts a minor's withdrawal rights--for example, a minimum age 

requirement to make a withdrawal--the account will still be insured as a 

joint account.

    The interests of a co-owner in all joint accounts that qualify for 

separate insurance coverage are insured up to the $100,000 maximum. For 

insurance purposes, the co-owners of any joint account are deemed to 

have equal interests in the account, except in the case of a tenancy in 

common. With a tenancy in common, equal interests are presumed unless 

otherwise stated on the records of the credit union.

                                Example 1

    Question: Members A and B maintain an account as joint tenants with 

right of survivorship and, in addition, each holds an individual 

account. Is each account separately insured?

    Answer: If both A and B have signed the membership or signature card 

and possess equal withdrawal rights with respect to the joint funds, 

their interests in the joint account are separately insured from their 

interests in the individual accounts. (Sec. 745.8 (a)

[[Page 624]]

and (b).) If the joint account is represented by a share certificate, 

their individual signatures are not required for that account.

                                Example 2

    Question: Members H and W, husband and wife, reside in a community 

property state. Each holds an individual account and, in addition, they 

hold a qualifying joint account. The funds in all three accounts consist 

of community property. Is each account separately insured?

    Answer: Yes. An account in the individual name of a spouse will be 

insured up to $100,000 whether the funds consist of community property 

or separate property of the spouse. A joint account containing community 

property is separately insured. Thus, community property can be used for 

individual accounts in the name of each spouse and for a joint account 

in the name of both spouses. In this example, each individual account is 

insured up to $100,000 (Sec. 745.3(a)(1)), and the interests of both 

the husband and wife in the joint account are each insured up to 

$100,000 (Sec. 745.8(a)).

                                Example 3

    Question: Two accounts of $100,000 each are held by a member husband 

and his wife under the following names: John Doe and Mary Doe, husband 

and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship. Mrs. John Doe and 

John Q. Doe (community property). How much insurance do the husband and 

wife have?

    Answer: They have $200,000 of insurance. Both the husband and wife 

are deemed to have a one half interest ($50,000) in each account. (Sec. 

745.2(c)(4).) The husband's interest in both accounts would be added 

together and insured for $100,000. The wife's insurance coverage would 

be determined the same way. (Sec. 745.8(a).)

                                Example 4

    Question: The following accounts are held by members A, B and C, 

each of whom has personally executed signature cards for the accounts in 

which he has an interest. Each co-owner of a joint account possesses the 

necessary withdrawals rights.

1. A, as an individual--$100,000.

2. B, as an individual--$100,000.

3. C, as an individual--$100,000.

4. A and B, as joint tenants w/r/o survivorship--$90,000.

5. A and C, as joint tenants w/r/o survivorship--$90,000.

6. B and C, as joint tenants w/r/o survivorship--$90,000.

7. A, B and C, as joint tenants w/r/o survivorship--$90,000.

    What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: Accounts numbered 1, 2 and 3 are each separately insured for 

$100,000 as individual accounts held by A, B and C, respectively (Sec. 

745.3(a)(1)). The interest of the co-owners of each joint account are 

deemed equal for insurance purposes (Sec. 745.2(c)(4)). A's interest in 

accounts numbered 4, 5, and 7 are added together for insurance purposes 

(Sec. 745.8(e)). Thus, A has an interest of $45,000 in account No. 4, 

$45,000 in account No. 5 and $30,000 in account No. 7, for a total joint 

account interest of $120,000, of which $100,000 is insured. The interest 

of B and C are similarly insured.

                              Example 5(a)

    Question: A, B and C hold accounts as set forth in Example 4. 

Members A and B are husband and wife; C, their minor child, has failed 

to sign the signature card for Account No. 7. In Account No. 5, 

according to the terms of the account, C cannot make a withdrawal 

without A's written consent. (This is not a limitation imposed under 

state law.) In Account No. 6, the signatures of both B and C are 

required for withdrawal. A has provided all of the funds for Accounts 

numbered 5 and 7 and under state law has the entire actual ownership 

interest in these two accounts. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: If any of the co-owners of a joint account have failed to 

meet any of the joint account requirements, the account is not a 

qualifying joint account. Instead, the account is treated as if it 

consisted of commingled individual accounts of each of the co-owners in 

accordance with his or her actual ownership interest in the funds, as 

determined under applicable state law. (Sec. 745.8(c).)

    Account No. 5 is not a qualifying joint account because C does not 

have equal withdrawal rights with A. Based on the terms of the account, 

C can only make a withdrawal if he has A's written consent. Account No. 

7 is not a qualifying joint account because C did not personally sign 

the signature card. Therefore, all of the funds in Accounts 5 and 7 are 

treated as individually owned by A and added to A's individual account, 

Account No. 1. For insurance purposes then, A has $280,000 in one 

individual account that is insured for $100,000, leaving $180,000 


    Account 6 is a qualifying joint account for insurance purposes since 

each co-owner has the right to withdraw funds on the same basis. Account 

4 is also a qualifying joint account. A's interest in Account 4 is 

insured for $45,000. B's interest of $45,000 in Account 4 is added to 

her interest of $45,000 in Account 6 and insured for $90,000. C's 

interest in Account 6 is insured for $45,000.

                              Example 5(b)

    Question: Assume the same accounts as Example 5(a) except that, on 

Account No. 5, C's right to make a withdrawal is limited by state law 

which precludes a minor from making a withdrawal without the co-owner's

[[Page 625]]

written consent. What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: In this situation, Accounts 4, 5, and 6 all qualify as joint 

accounts. A, B, and C will each have $90,000 of insured funds based on: 

A's interest in Account 4 ($45,000) and 5 ($45,000), B's interest in 

Accounts 4 ($45,000) and 6 ($45,000), and C's interest in Accounts 5 

($45,000) and 6 ($45,000). As in Example 5(a), Account No. 7 does not 

qualify as a joint account and would be added to A's individual account 

for insurance purposes.

       G. How Are Trust Accounts and Retirement Accounts Insured?

    A trust estate is the interest of a beneficiary in an irrevocable 

express trust, whether created by trust instrument or statute, that is 

valid under state law. Thus, funds invested in an account by a trustee 

under an irrevocable express trust are insured on the basis of the 

beneficial interests under such trust. The interest of each beneficiary 

in an account (or accounts) established under such a trust arrangement 

is insured to $100,000 separately from other accounts held by the 

trustee, the settlor (grantor), or the beneficiary. However, in cases 

where a beneficiary has an interest in more than one trust arrangement 

created by the same settlor, the interests of the beneficiary in all 

accounts established under such trusts are added together for insurance 

purposes, and the beneficiary's aggregate interest derived from the same 

settlor is separately insured to the $100,000 maximum.

    A beneficiary's interest in an account established pursuant to an 

irrevocable express trust arrangement is insured separately from other 

beneficial interests (trust estates) invested in the same account if the 

value of the beneficiary's interest (trust estate) can be determined (as 

of the date of a credit union's insolvency) without evaluation of 

contingencies except for those covered by the present worth tables and 

rules of calculation for their use set forth in Sec. 20.2031-10 of the 

Federal Estate Tax Regulations (26 CFR 20.2031-10). If any trust estates 

in such an account cannot be so determined, the insurance with respect 

to all such trust estates together shall not exceed the basic insured 

amount of $100,000.

    In order for insurance coverage of trust accounts to be effective in 

accordance with the foregoing rules, certain recordkeeping requirements 

must be met. In connection with each trust account, the credit union's 

records must indicate the name of both the settlor and the trustee of 

the trust and must contain an account signature card executed by the 

trustee indicating the fiduciary capacity of the trustee. In addition, 

the interests of the beneficiaries under the trust must be ascertainable 

from the records of either the credit union or the trustee, and the 

settlor or beneficiary must be a member of the credit union. If there 

are two or more settlors or beneficiaries, then either all the settlors 

or all the beneficiaries must be members of the credit union.

    Although each ascertainable trust estate is separately insured, it 

should be noted that in short-term trusts the insurable interest or 

interests may be very small, since the interests are computed only for 

the duration of the trust. Thus, if a trust is made irrevocable for a 

specified period of time, the beneficial interest will be calculated in 

terms of the length of time stated. A reversionary interest retained by 

the settlor is treated in the same manner as an individual account of 

the settlor.

    As stated, the trust must be valid under local law. A trust which 

does not meet local requirements, such as one imposing no duties on the 

trustee or conveying no interest to the beneficiary, is of no effect for 

insurance purposes. An account in which such funds are invested is 

considered to be an individual account.

    An account established pursuant to a revocable trust arrangement is 

insured as a form of individual account and is treated under section B, 

supra, dealing with Testamentary Accounts.

    IRA and Keogh accounts are separately insured, each up to $100,000. 

Although credit unions may serve as trustees or custodians for self-

directed IRA, Roth IRA and Keogh accounts, once the funds in those 

accounts are taken out of the credit union, they are no longer insured.

    In the case of an employee retirement fund where only a portion of 

the fund is placed in a credit union account, the amount of insurance 

available to an individual member/beneficiary on his interest in the 

account will be in proportion to his interest in the entire employee 

retirement fund. If, for example, the member's interest represents 10% 

of the entire plan funds, then he is presumed to have only a 10% 

interest in the plan account. Said another way, if a member has a vested 

interest of $10,000 in a municipal employees retirement plan and the 

trustee invests 25% of the total plan funds in a credit union, the 

member would be insured for only $2,500 on that credit union account. 

There is an exception, however. The member would be insured for $10,000 

if the trustee can document, through records maintained in the ordinary 

course of business, that individual beneficiary's interests are 

segregated and the total vested interest of the member was, in fact, 

invested in that account.

                                Example 1

    Question: Member S invests $45,000 in trust for B, the beneficiary. 

S also has an individual account containing $90,000 in the same credit 

union. What is the insurance coverage?

[[Page 626]]

    Answer: Both accounts are fully insured. The trust account is 

separately insured from the individual account of S (Sec. Sec. 

745.3(a)(1) and 745.9-1).

                                Example 2

    Question: S invests funds in trust for A, B, C, D, and E. A, B, and 

C are members of the credit union, D, E and S are not. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: This is an uninsurable account. Where there is more than one 

settlor or more than one beneficiary, all the settlors or all the 

beneficiaries must be members to establish this type of account. Since 

D, E and S are not members, this account cannot legally be established 

or insured.

                              Example 3(a)

    Question: Member S invests $500,000 in trust for ABC Employees 

Retirement Fund. Some of the beneficiaries are members and some are not. 

What is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: The account is insured as to the determinable interests of 

each member beneficiary to a maximum of $100,000 per member. Member 

interests not capable of evaluation and nonmember interests shall be 

added together and insured to a maximum of $100,000 in the aggregate 

(Sec. 745.9-1).

                              Example 3(b)

    Question: Member S is trustee for the ABC Employees Retirement Fund 

containing $1,000,000. Member A has a determinable interest of $90,000 

in the Fund (9% of the total). S invests $500,000 of the Fund in trust 

in an insured credit union and the remaining $500,000 elsewhere. Some of 

the beneficiaries of the Fund are members of the credit union and some 

are not. S does not segregate each employee's interest in the Fund. What 

is the insurance coverage?

    Answer: The account is insured as to determinable interest of each 

member beneficiary, adjusted in proportion to the Fund's investment in 

the credit union. A's insured interest in the account is $45,000, or 9% 

of $500,000. This reflects the fact that only 50% of the Fund is in the 

account and A's interest in the account is in the same proportion as his 

interest in the overall plan. Each beneficiary who is a member would be 

similarly insured. Members' interests not capable of evaluation and 

nonmembers' interests are added together and insured to a maximum of 

$100,000 in the aggregate. (Sec. 745.9-1.)

                                Example 4

    Question: Member A has an individual account of $100,000 and 

establishes an IRA and accumulates $50,000 in that account. Subsequently 

A becomes self employed and establishes a Keogh account in the same 

credit union and accumulates $100,000 in that account. What is the 

insurance coverage?

    Answer: Each of A's accounts would be separately insured for up to 

$100,000. In the example, A would be fully insured for $250,000 (Sec. 

745.3(a)(1) and Sec. 745.9-2).

                                Example 5

    Question: Member A has a self-directed IRA account with $70,000 in 

it. The FCU is the trustee of the account. Member transfers $40,000 into 

a blue chip stock; $30,000 remains in the FCU. What is the insurance 


    Answer: Originally, the full $70,000 in A's IRA account is insured. 

The $40,000 is no longer insured once it is moved out of the FCU. The 

$30,000 remaining in the FCU is insured (Sec. 745.9-2).

[51 FR 37560, Oct. 23, 1986, as amended at 53 FR 22473, June 16, 1988; 

55 FR 47455, Nov. 14, 1990; 64 FR 19687, 19688, Apr. 22, 1999; 65 FR 

34925, June 1, 2000; 68 FR 75114, Dec. 30, 2003; 69 FR 8801, Feb. 26, 
