[Code of Federal Regulations]

[Title 12, Volume 6]

[Revised as of January 1, 2006]

From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access

[CITE: 12CFR630.4]

[Page 290-292]


                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING







                            Subpart A_General


Sec. 630.4  Responsibilities for preparing the report to investors.

    (a) Responsibilities of the Funding Corporation. The Funding 

Corporation shall:

    (1) Prepare the reports to investors required by Sec. 630.3(a), 

including the Systemwide combined financial statements and notes 

thereto, and such other disclosures, supplemental information, and 

related analysis as are required by this part to make the reports 

meaningful and not misleading.

    (2) Establish a system of internal controls sufficient to reasonably 

ensure that any information it releases to investors and the general 

public concerning any matter required to be disclosed by this part is 

true and that there are no omissions of material information. The system 

of internal controls, at a minimum, shall require that the Funding 


    (i) Maintain written policies and procedures, approved by the System 

Audit Committee, to be carried out by the disclosure entities for 

preparation of the report to investors;

[[Page 291]]

    (ii) Provide instructions to the disclosure entities regarding the 

information needed for preparation of the Systemwide combined financial 

statements and disclosures required to be presented in the report to 


    (iii) Review the information submitted to it for preparation of the 

report to investors, and make reasonable inquiries to ascertain whether 

the information is reliable, accurate, and complete; and

    (iv) Specify procedures for monitoring interim disclosures of System 

institutions and disclose, in a timely manner, any material changes in 

information contained in the most recently published report to 


    (3) Collect from each disclosure entity financial data and related 

analyses and other information needed for preparation of the report to 

investors, including any information that is material to the disclosure 


    (4) File the reports with the FCA in accordance with Sec. 630.3(g).

    (5) Ensure prompt delivery of sufficient copies of each report to 

selling group dealers for distribution to investors and potential 

investors in FCS debt obligations.

    (6) Make the report available to the general public upon request.

    (7) Notify the FCA if it is unable to prepare and publish the report 

to investors in compliance with the requirements of this part because 

one or more banks have failed to comply with the requirements of 

paragraph (c) of this section. A notification, signed by the officer(s) 

designated by the board of directors of the Funding Corporation to 

certify the report to investors and by the chief executive officer, 

shall be made to the FCA as soon as the Funding Corporation becomes 

aware of its inability to comply. The Funding Corporation shall explain 

the reasons for the notification and may request that the FCA extend the 

due date for the report to investors.

    (8) Include in the report a statement that briefly explains the 

respective responsibilities of the disclosure entities and states that 

the Funding Corporation has policies and procedures in place to ensure, 

to the best of the knowledge and belief of management and the board of 

the Funding Corporation, that the information contained in the report is 

true, accurate, and complete. The statement shall be signed by the chief 

executive officer and the chairperson of the board of the Funding 


    (9) Request the FCA to provide information regarding the content of 

the latest Reports of Examination of any banks and related associations, 

if such information is necessary for preparation of a report that is 

meaningful and not misleading and is not forthcoming from a bank in 

accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. The request shall be made 

to the Chief Examiner, Farm Credit Administration, McLean, Virginia 


    (b) Responsibilities of the Financial Assistance Corporation. The 

Financial Assistance Corporation shall provide to the Funding 

Corporation such information as may be required by the Funding 

Corporation to prepare the report.

    (c) Responsibilities of banks. Each bank shall:

    (1) Provide to the Funding Corporation annual, quarterly, and 

interim financial and other information in accordance with instructions 

of the Funding Corporation for preparation of the report to investors, 


    (i) Financial data of the bank or, if the bank is required under 

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to prepare its financial 

statements on a consolidated basis with its subsidiaries, consolidated 

financial data of the bank and its consolidated subsidiaries; and

    (ii) Combined financial data of the bank (including any consolidated 

subsidiaries of the bank) and related associations of the bank.

    (2) Respond to Funding Corporation inquiries and provide any 

followup information requested by the Funding Corporation in connection 

with the preparation of the report to investors in accordance with 

instructions of the Funding Corporation.

    (3) Notify the Funding Corporation promptly of any events occurring 

subsequent to publication of the report that may be material either to 

the financial condition and results of operations of the bank or to the 


[[Page 292]]

financial condition and results of operations of the bank and its 

related associations. Furnish the Funding Corporation with any 

information necessary to provide interim Systemwide disclosure to 

investors to make the most recently published report to investors not 


    (4) Provide in the engagement letter with its external auditor that 

the external auditor shall, after notifying the bank, respond to 

inquiries from the Funding Corporation relating to preparation of the 


    (5)(i) Certify to the Funding Corporation that:

    (A) All information needed for preparation of the report to 

investors has been submitted in accordance with the instructions of the 

Funding Corporation;

    (B) The information submitted is prepared in accordance with all 

applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; and

    (C) The information submitted is true, accurate, and complete to the 

best of management's knowledge and belief.

    (ii) The certification required by paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this 

section shall be prepared as specified by the Funding Corporation and 

shall be manually signed and dated on behalf of the bank by:

    (A) The officer(s) designated by the board of directors to certify 

the information submitted to the Funding Corporation; and

    (B) The chief executive officer.

    (d) Responsibilities of associations. Each association shall:

    (1) Provide its related bank with the information necessary to allow 

the bank to provide accurate and complete information regarding the bank 

and its related associations to the Funding Corporation for preparation 

of the report.

    (2) Provide in the engagement letter with its external auditor that 

the external auditor of the association shall, after notifying the 

association, respond to inquiries of the related bank pertaining to 

preparation of the combined financial data of the association and its 

related bank.