[Press Release Banner]
September 10, 2005
CONTACT:  David Simon (202) 309-0805 or
Von Alexander (904) 993-9570


(Washington, DC) On Friday September 9th, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, Ms. Marsha Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross, and other Congressional Black Caucus Members, spent the day together touring the disaster area in Baton Rouge, LA and the holding area in Houston, Texas. Upon her return, Congresswoman Brown reported the following:

"From what I could see in Baton Rouge, the Red Cross was very well organized and is working hard to meet the basic needs of those affected. There are however; issues in Baton Rouge that still need to be resolved. Upon our departure from Baton Rouge, our group traveled to Houston, Texas, where both the Red Cross and FEMA were very organized. In Texas, both the Red Cross and FEMA are providing counseling for emotional stress, giving housing assistance and financial guidance, and helping to ensure that the children are able to register in area schools and local Head Start programs. To date, over 80% of those in Texas are already processed in the system.

Locally in Jacksonville, I am proud to report that our community is working hard and contributing greatly to the relief efforts. Our city has been accepting and welcoming people from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. In fact, our work right here at Edward Waters College is a clear example of this effort, and we have another truck collecting food today, other vital non perishable items, and funds for the victims.

In addition, my congressional office will be working with the local Red Cross and local Department of Housing to provide housing and shelter for the incoming storm refugees. The Red Cross has assisted in this effort by streamlining the intake process, and by Monday, Sept. 12th, I will have a new hotline number where newcomers to our city can call and immediately receive assistance.

I would like to lend a warm and loving thanks to my Church, Bethel. I would like to also personally thank Bethel Pastors Rudolph McKissick, Sr. and Jr.; Randy Goodwin and the wonderful folks at PRI Productions, Dr. Oswald Bronson and the students and staff at Edward Waters College, as well as Bishop Young and the AME Church Family. Lastly, I would also like to thank the great community of Jacksonville and the surrounding counties of Palm Coast, Flagler and city of Daytona. In these trying times, words cannot express my gratitude upon seeing the wholehearted efforts of our community to deliver!

In closing; however, I have to report that the administrative difficulties that FEMA is experiencing have not been resolved. On Tuesday, in Washington, D.C., I met with various Members of the Cabinet, and am disappointed to report that there are still major problems with the relief effort. One striking example is that two planes filled with supplies are still being held up because FEMA has not signed off on the international assistance package. Moreover, numerous housing issues are being held up by administrative logjams. This situation is unacceptable, and needs to be remedied urgently.”
