[Press Release Banner]
October 8, 2001
CONTACT:  David Simon
(202) 225-0123 or (202) 226-0115
Congresswoman Brown Supports Air Strikes Against Afghanistan

(Washington, DC) In strong support of United States air strikes against terrorist networks in Afghanistan, Congresswoman Corrine Brown made the following statement:

"Since the horrific acts committed on September 11th, I have never doubted for one minute that the United States would do anything less than send a most formidable response to the perpetrators of these actions. The United States gave the Taliban government over three weeks to surrender Bin Laden, and they chose to ignore our pleas. Now they must endure the repercussions for their support of this heinous network of terrorists.

I am in complete support of the military operation the President ordered, and am proud of our nation’s brave men and women who are defending our nation’s freedom. As a Member of the United States Congress, I pledge to do everything within my capacity to serve and defend this great nation and bring the terrorists to justice, as well as any nation who dares to harbor them.

On October 3rd, in an effort to prevent terrorist attacks on our nation’s seaports, I introduced legislation entitled, "The Port and Maritime Security Act of 2001, to enhance our seaport security. I believe that this legislation is long overdue, and am optimistic it will move quickly through the Transportation Committee, and to the House floor.

I stand confident that the United States Congress and the American people will not allow these cowardly groups to break our nation’s foundation of freedom and democracy. We will stand strong, maintain resolve, and I am certain that liberty and justice will triumph over the forces of evil. God bless America."
