[Press Release Banner]
September 25, 2001
CONTACT:  David Simon
(202) 225-0123 or (202) 226-0115
Congresswoman Brown Stands up for America’s Workers as a Strong Supporter of the Displaced Workers Assistance Act

(Washington, DC) Congresswoman Corrine Brown, who was opposed to the airlines bailout package that passed last week on the House floor because of the lack of assistance for airline employees, stands as a strong advocate of the Democratic House bill introduced today, the Displaced Workers Assistance Act. Congresswoman Brown made the following statement:

"Although the airline industry faces difficult economic circumstances, the bill that was passed last week exclusively addressed the financial problems of the airline industry. It did not in any way deal with the problems of the suffering employees, who now find themselves without work. Nor did it deal with the other industries related to and dependent upon the airline industry for survival. These industries include the airports themselves, anyone who makes airline components, airport vendors, taxicab drivers and baggage handlers. In Florida, given the importance of tourism in the state’s economy, these are industries that turn the ignition of Florida’s economic engine, and I believe that their employees should be provided with emergency relief, just as the airlines were.

At the current time, it is estimated that 100,00 workers will lose their jobs. Most of these workers will now find themselves without health insurance, unemployment benefits, or access to training programs. I wholeheartedly believe that just as Congress bailed out the airlines industry last week, we also must extend unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs, help them maintain health benefits, and provide them with training opportunities to assist them in finding future employment."
