[Press Release Banner]
September 21, 2001
CONTACT:  David Simon
(202) 225-0123 or (202) 226-0115
Congresswoman Brown Opposes Airlines Assistance Package

(Washington, DC) Congresswoman Corrine Brown, opposed to the airlines bailout package today on the House floor, made the following statement:

"Although the airline industry faces difficult economic circumstances, the bill today on the House floor exclusively addresses the financial problems of the airline industry. It does not in any way deal with the problems of other industries related to and dependent upon the airline industry for survival. These industries include the airports themselves, the airport vendors, travel agents, the taxicab drivers, baggage handlers, and all of those employed in the hotel industry. Given that these industries turn the ignition of Florida’s economic engine, the fact that these industries are being left out is more than disturbing. Additionally, regardless of how much money Congress hands over to the airline industry, without significant safety provisions in the bill, passengers will remain fearful of flying, and as a consequence, the airlines’ woes will continue.

Moreover, U.S. air carriers are already laying off large numbers of employees and cutting operations. It is appalling to me that while airline executives are announcing up to 100,000 layoffs, I have not heard a word about sacrifices the executives themselves plan to make. And there is absolutely nothing in this bill, not one cent of direct assistance, to the laid off employees. To conclude, I would like to reiterate that notwithstanding the billions of dollars provided in this bill in economic assistance for the airlines, as long as the bill does not include safety provisions, the airlines will not convince our nation’s citizens that it is safe to fly, and the airlines industry may still likely fall prey to bankruptcy.

For these reasons, I have cast a "no" vote on this bill."
