[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 48, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 48CFR31.205-47]

[Page 642-644]
Sec. 31.205-47  Costs related to legal and other proceedings.

    (a) Definitions. As used in this subpart--
    Costs include, but are not limited to, administrative and clerical 
expenses; the costs of legal services, whether performed by in-house or 
private counsel; the costs of the services of accountants, consultants, 
or others retained by the contractor to assist it; costs of employees, 
officers, and directors; and any similar costs incurred before, during, 
and after commencement of a judicial or administrative proceeding which 
bears a direct relationship to the proceedings.
    Fraud, as used in this subsection, means--
    (1) Acts of fraud or corruption or attempts to defraud the 
Government or to corrupt its agents;
    (2) Acts which constitute a cause for debarment or suspension under 
9.406-2(a) and 9.407-2(a); and
    (3) Acts which violate the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C., sections 
3729-3731, or the Anti-Kickback Act, 41 U.S.C., sections 51 and 54.
    Penalty, does not include restitution, reimbursement, or 
compensatory damages.
    Proceeding, includes an investigation.
    (b) Costs incurred in connection with any proceeding brought by a 
Federal, State, local, or foreign government for violation of, or a 
failure to comply with, law or regulation by the contractor (including 
its agents or employees), or costs incurred in connection with any 
proceeding brought by a third party in the name of the United States 
under the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. 3730, are unallowable if the 
result is--
    (1) In a criminal proceeding, a conviction;
    (2) In a civil or administrative proceeding, either a finding of 
contractor liability where the proceeding involves an allegation of 
fraud or similar misconduct or imposition of a monetary penalty where 
the proceeding does not involve an allegation of fraud or similar 
    (3) A final decision by an appropriate official of an executive 
agency to:
    (i) Debar or suspend the contractor;
    (ii) Rescind or void a contract; or
    (iii) Terminate a contract for default by reason of a violation or 
failure to comply with a law or regulation;
    (4) Disposition of the matter by consent or compromise if the 
proceeding could have led to any of the outcomes listed in subparagraphs 
(b) (1) through (3) of this subsection (but see paragraphs (c) and (d) 
of this subsection); or
    (5) Not covered by subparagraphs (b) (1) through (4) of this 
subsection, but where the underlying alleged contractor misconduct was 
the same as that which led to a different proceeding whose costs are 
unallowable by reason of subparagraphs (b) (1) through (4) of this 
    (c)(1) To the extent they are not otherwise unallowable, costs 
incurred in connection with any proceeding under paragraph (b) of this 
subsection commenced by the United States that is resolved by consent or 
compromise pursuant to an agreement entered into between the contractor 
and the United States, and which are unallowable solely because of 
paragraph (b) of this subsection, may be allowed to the extent 
specifically provided in such agreement.
    (2) In the event of a settlement of any proceeding brought by a 
third party under the False Claims Act in which the United States did 
not intervene, reasonable costs incurred by the contractor in connection 
with such a proceeding, that are not otherwise unallowable by regulation 
or by separate agreement with the United States, may be allowed if the 
contracting officer, in consultation with his or her legal advisor, 
determines that there was very little likelihood that the third party 
would have been successful on the merits.
    (d) To the extent that they are not otherwise unallowable, costs 
incurred in connection with any proceeding under paragraph (b) of this 

[[Page 643]]

commenced by a State, local, or foreign government may be allowable when 
the contracting officer (or other official specified in agency 
procedures) determines, that the costs were incurred either:
    (1) As a direct result of a specific term or condition of a Federal 
contract; or
    (2) As a result of compliance with specific written direction of the 
cognizant contracting officer.
    (e) Costs incurred in connection with proceedings described in 
paragraph (b) of this subsection, but which are not made unallowable by 
that paragraph, may be allowable to the extent that:
    (1) The costs are reasonable in relation to the activities required 
to deal with the proceeding and the underlying cause of action;
    (2) The costs are not otherwise recovered from the Federal 
Government or a third party, either directly as a result of the 
proceeding or otherwise; and
    (3) The percentage of costs allowed does not exceed the percentage 
determined to be appropriate considering the complexity of procurement 
litigation, generally accepted principles governing the award of legal 
fees in civil actions involving the United States as a party, and such 
other factors as may be appropriate. Such percentage shall not exceed 80 
percent. Agreements reached under paragraph (c) of this subsection shall 
be subject to this limitation. If, however, an agreement described in 
paragraph (c)(1) of this subsection explicitly states the amount of 
otherwise allowable incurred legal fees and limits the allowable 
recovery to 80 percent or less of the stated legal fees, no additional 
limitation need be applied. The amount of reimbursement allowed for 
legal costs in connection with any proceeding described in paragraph 
(c)(2) of this subsection shall be determined by the cognizant 
contracting officer, but shall not exceed 80 percent of otherwise 
allowable legal costs incurred.
    (f) Costs not covered elsewhere in this subsection are unallowable 
if incurred in connection with--
    (1) Defense against Federal Government claims or appeals or the 
prosecution of claims or appeals against the Federal Government (see 
    (2) Organization, reorganization, (including mergers and 
acquisitions) or resisting mergers and acquisitions (see also 31.205-
    (3) Defense of antitrust suits.
    (4) Defense of suits brought by employees or ex-employees of the 
contractor under section 2 of the Major Fraud Act of 1988 where the 
contractor was found liable or settled.
    (5) Costs of legal, accounting, and consultant services and directly 
associated costs incurred in connection with the defense or prosecution 
of lawsuits or appeals between contractors arising from either (i) an 
agreement or contract concerning a teaming arrangement, a joint venture, 
or similar arrangement of shared interest; or (ii) dual sourcing, 
coproduction, or similar programs, are unallowable, except when (A) 
incurred as a result of compliance with specific terms and conditions of 
the contract or written instructions from the contracting officer, or 
(B) when agreed to in writing by the contracting officer.
    (6) Patent infringement litigation, unless otherwise provided for in 
the contract.
    (7) Representation of, or assistance to, individuals, groups, or 
legal entities which the contractor is not legally bound to provide, 
arising from an action where the participant was convicted of violation 
of a law or regulation or was found liable in a civil or administrative 
    (8) Protests of Federal Government solicitations or contract awards, 
or the defense against protests of such solicitations or contract 
awards, unless the costs of defending against a protest are incurred 
pursuant to a written request from the cognizant contracting officer.
    (g) Costs which may be unallowable under 31.205-47, including 
directly associated costs, shall be segregated and accounted for by the 
contractor separately. During the pendency of any proceeding covered by 
paragraph (b) and subparagraphs (f)(4) and (f)(7) of this subsection, 
the contracting officer shall generally withhold payment of

[[Page 644]]

such costs. However, if in the best interests of the Government, the 
contracting officer may provide for conditional payment upon provision 
of adequate security, or other adequate assurance, and agreement by the 
contractor to repay all unallowable costs, plus interest, if the costs 
are subsequently determined to be unallowable.

[48 FR 42301, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 12302, Apr. 9, 1986; 
54 FR 13024, Mar. 29, 1989; 55 FR 52794, Dec. 21, 1990; 61 FR 41477, 
Aug. 8, 1996; 63 FR 58600, Oct. 30, 1998; 65 FR 80265, Dec. 20, 2000; 66 
FR 17754, 17756, Apr. 3, 2001; at 66 FR 2131, Jan. 10, 2001; 66 FR 
17756, Apr. 3, 2001; 66 FR 66986, 66990, Dec. 27, 2001; 67 FR 43514, 
June 27, 2002]